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Zoey sat next to Tony, as Tony sat next to Clay.

It was Justin's funeral, Zoey didn't have enough courage to talk. It was like a nostalgic feeling, and not a good one.

She had remembered going to her parents funeral. Yes, she had been to Bryces, and Monty's, but she didn't hurt like she was now. Her heart ached, she didn't want believe that anything was real at this point. It all felt like a dream. A dream she couldn't get out of.

She watched as Alex tried speaking

"I'm not sure if I can do this. Uh...um. I believe...I believe..I believe Justin Foley helped save my life. I didn't like him. And he didnt like me. But, when I needed him, he helped me. Um...I'm sorry" Alex said while stepping back

Zoey remember being up there once. She hated it, so many eyes on her, but she had to speak up, for her parents. For her closure.


"My parents..h-have been here, for me...all my life-my mom was m-my stubborn and silly best friend while..my dad. Well he was my fun best friend, he joked around about everything. They didn't deserve this..." Zoey started to cry in front of everyone

Merida walked up and the girl hugging her tightly

They slowly walked off, Clay getting up and following after them. Once he found the girls he looked at Merida and down to Zoey who was now on the floor with her back on the wall and her legs sitting up in her chest and her arms wrapped around her knees

Merida sat beside the girl with her arms around Zoey

Clay sat down next to Zoey and Merida looked at him. Clay nodded to the lady; signaling that he can handle her. Merida nodded and stood up, knowing that Zoey needed him more.

Clay arms went around the girl, she wrapped her arms tightly around him

"I miss them...so much, Clay" she cried and Clay wipes his tears, trying to be there for her. "I know, Zoey. I miss them too" he said as his chin rested on her head

End of flashback

Tears fell from Zoeys eyes

Zach was now speaking and all Zoey could think of was feeling bad for not going up to speak, she couldn't handle being up there. It like once you start talking about him, you could never stop thinking of the fun moments you had. And that lead her to crying more than before.

She looked down at her fingers as she played with her nails, she tried controlling the tears by thinking something else, but all she could do was think of Justin.


Once the funeral was over everyone started getting up, Zoey got up to walk to the back

She answered her phone

"Merida, I'm staying, Clay needs support, and so do I" she said and Merida nodded even though the girl couldn't see her "ok..." Merida said

Zoey soon walked back inside seeing Clay laying his head on Jessica's shoulder

She walked up to the two and rested her head on Jessica's other shoulder

Jessica wrapped her arm around her shoulder

"It'll get better...soon" Zoey said and Jessica nodded


Zoey walked into her room locking her door behind her. She laid down her her bed as tears fell from her eyes. She missed Justin

She couldn't believe that he was gone. Actually gone.

She didn't know how to feel or think. It was all so different, it felt different.

Merida knocked on the door and Zoey sighed while getting up

She unlocked the door to see Merida with her arms open

Zoey fell into Merida's arms and started crying

"I'm sorry, Zoe" Merida said as she rubbed the girls head

"I tried to be..there f-for Clay and Jess..I-it was so hard" she cried Merida heart broke seeing the girl like this again. It felt like it was Zoeys parents funeral all over again.

"I'm so sorry" Merida said and closed her eyes hearing the broken girl cry. "He's gone" Zoey cried and Merida heart broke

"Lay down" Merida said as she pulled away from the girl and walked her over to bed

Zoey took off her shoes and laid in her bed and Merida pulled the covers over

"Is there anything you need?" She asked and Zoey shook her head "I-I'm good" she said and she hugged her pillows and Merida nodded "I'll be checking up on you, I can bring you dinner" she said and Zoey nodded

Once Merida left Zoey closed her eyes, trying stop crying

"I didn't get any cries from you" she heard and her eyes shot open to see the ghost of Bryce

She closed her eyes turning around, making sure to close them tightly while she closed her ears

"Go away, go away, go away, go away" she said while crying

"I actually liked you.." Bryce said "you remember, when you left your best friend, to hang out with me?" He asked while sitting on her bed "that was the best night" he said and smirked Zoey turned around to see the boy sitting by her face

She shot up and scooted away from him

"Are you scared of me?" He asked and she looked at him "you're not real" she said and Bryce scoffed "then why are you talking to something that's not real?" Bryce asked and she wiped her tears.

"Leave" she said "why? It's no fun with Clay or Jessica" he said and shrugged

Zoey didn't know what to do with herself. She was not okay with anything happening at this moment.

"What's with the silent treatment?" Bryce spoke with a smirk Zoey still looked at the boy in fear and irritation

"Why me?" Zoey said while closing her ears and eyes


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