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Zoey entered her house, her grandpas of course and walked into the kitchen

"Pa! I'm home!" She said and she walked up to the fridge and noticed a note on the fridge door

Took Pa out for a walk, we'll be back at 6

Merida was Pa's personal nurse who came everyday for check ups in his health, and just to be there to help while Zoey was gone

She was a nice woman and she was like a mother figure to Zoey, Zoey likes being around Merida and she wouldn't trade her for the world


Zoey stared at the ceiling and the door slightly opened making Zoeys head turn to the door "happy Valentine's Day, time for school" she saw Merida "happy valentine day, you're early" Zoey said while sitting up from her bed "Yea, your grandpa called early" Merida said and Zoey yawned while standing up

"Isn't your dance today?" Merida asked "I'm not going" Zoey said "yes you are, have fun, Zoey" Merida said "I do have fun, but not at dances" Zoey said "please, just go, you're gonna definitely regret it like a did" Merida said and Zoey sighed and walked over to her bathroom, that's in her room

"Fine, I'll go" she said and Merida tilted her head "promise?" She asked "promise" Zoey said and walked into her bathroom

Merida sighed and closed the door behind her on her way out

Zoey submerged her head underneath the water as it poured down on her, her hair soon wasn't a big and a curly mess, it was more relaxed, it was wet and dropped down to her shoulders with her hair curly as ever and still dripped on her shoulders

After getting out of the shower Zoey got dressed trying to get in the spirit of valentines

She wore a baby pink tube top with and light washed ripped jeans and her same black and white vans

She threw on her light washed jean jacket that matched her pants pretty well

She headed down stairs to she waffles and bacon on the table

"Good morning, Pa" Zoey said "good morning, Zoe" he said and Merida looked up at the girl seeing her wet hair drip onto her jean jacket "want some breakfast?" Merida asked "uh, actually yea, but to go" she said and Merida raised her eyebrow "to go?" Merida asked "yup, if you can't that's fine" Zoey said quickly "we have ziplock bags, or are you  trying to bring it for Clay, I can make him a plate, well bag" Merida said "oh, uh, no...I'm actually hungry today...this morning so I just want to eat on the go" Zoey said and Merida nodded

Zoey helped Merida make her bag, she then walked near the door and grabbed her backpack

"See you later, I'll be back to dress up for the dance" Zoey said and Merida smiled "you're going?" Merida asked "Yea" Zoey said and walked out of the door she then entered again

"Love you guys" she said then exited the house


"You guys going to the dance?" Zoey asked Tyler and Winston "maybe" the boys said in unison "wow, so I'm left on a maybe, so now I have to be on my own, a maybe usually means no" Zoey said and the boys smiled at the girl and she looked at them while eating her waffle "you guys are definitely not showing up, fuck you" she said and laughed "I might, you'll never know" Tyler said and Zoey nodded and both Zoey and Tyler looked at Winston "I might" Winston said and Zoey sighed "very convincing, well I have to get to class, I'll see you guys later" Zoey said and the boys nodded and she walked into class, it being slightly empty, she wanted to go to class early so she can watch YouTube and eat her breakfast

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