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Zoey and Alex stood outside waiting for Merida, it was Friday morning and they were ready to get back home for three days. Zoey was excited to see her friends and family. It had been a while but she missed them too much not to be overly excited at 4am

"I can't believe we have to wait out here this early.." Alex complained "just be happy that we're going home" Zoey said "thinking of our hometown makes me sick" Alex said "why is that?" Sam asked as he walked next to them limping; Alex instantly stiffened

"Because, uh...the people there are rude" Alex lied; going back home made him sick because all of the bad things that happened

"Yea, my hometown sucks too, but I'll be glad to be back" sam said and Zoey nodded "see, be happy..also wheres max?" Zoey asked as she looked around not seeing his twin "he's coming, he's not a morning person, but I'm guessing you are based on how bright you are in the morning" sam laughed "I'm going home to my friends and family, of course I'm happy" Zoey said "I hate this so much" they all turned around to see max; his busted lip and black eye, looking similar to sam

"What do you think your parents are going to say about your faces, including your limp" Alex asked the twins "I don't care I just wanna sleep" max said and Zoey laughed "I don't know, I'll just say fought because of a disagreement" sam said "and they'll believe that?" Zoey asked "yeah, max and I got into plenty of fist fights" Sam said and Zoey nodded

A car then honked making them all look up and Zoey smiled

"That's us, I'll see you in a couple of days" Alex said and the boys nodded "see you guys.." max said and yawned as they waved

Merida got out of the car and hugged the two "oh, I missed you too" Merida said and the two laughed as they hugged her

Sam and Max watched as the three hugged; them both feeling happy that they protected Zoey from Josh

"Let get on the road" Merida said as she opened the trunk and the two places their bags in the trunk as they got in the back of the car and Merida got in the front

"So, who's you're friends, and why do they look beat up" Merida asked "sam and max" Alex answered "they're twins and they fight a lot" zoey lied not wanting to tell Merida the things they already went through

Merida drove off as she turned on the radio "are you guys hungry?" Merida asked "Yea, I'm starving" Alex said "same" Zoey said "want to stop for some chick-fil-a?" Merida asked and Zoey laughed "how do you know about that?" She asked "I had it on the way here..it's delicious" she said and laughed "sure..I'll eat anything" Alex exaggerated making the girls laugh



Merida blasted her music; waking the kids up out of their sleep

"Oh my god!" Zoey screamed and Merida laughed turning down the music "we're home..well at Alex's" Merida said and Alex held his hand over his chest "great way to wake up.." Alex said sarcastically and Zoey nodded "thanks, for the ride" Alex said and Merida nodded popping the trunk

She got out helping the boys get his things

Zoey then got out and hugged Alex "I'll see you in 3 days.." Zoey said and smiled and Alex nodded

Zoey got into the front as she and Merida watched as Alex knocked on the door, it soon opened showing mrs. Standall she hugged Alex tightly and Merida honked her car waving bye to the woman and boy

"Thank you!" Mrs standall said and "no problem!" Merida said as she drove off

Are you home yet?
Delivered (3:39pm)

Zoey looked up to see the park she always went to with her parents, she smiled lightly

"You know your grandfather couldn't stop talking about you..he's so excited to see you" Merida said "I'm excited to see him too" Zoey smiled and her phone buzzed and she unlocked it quickly

I've been home for about an hour what about u?

I'm almost home

I'm coming

I'll be waiting

Zoey hugged her grandpa tightly as they rocked back and forth "i miss you pa" Zoey smiled into his shoulder "I missed you too, Zoe" said and smiled "how's college so far?" He asked "it's great, I've made some friends, mr standall was able to make Alex and I be roommates so everything is great so far" she said and smiled "I really need to use the bathroom, I'll be right back" Zoey said and they nodded "it's fine, you don't have to come back down, you can explain all this tomorrow..you're probably tired" her grandpa said and Zoey nodded

She ran up to the bathroom; she had been holding in her pee for a while

After she washed her hands and walked to her room, her door still being closed since when she left

She opened the door to see her best friend on her bed

"Clay!" She yelled happily as she ran up to him jumping on him and he smiled

"I missed you so much" she said he wrapped his arms tightly around her waist "I missed you too" he said Zoey pulled away from the hug looking in his eyes

"This is so much better than FaceTime" she smiled "I know, and I have something ask you.." he said and she smiled "and what's that?" She asked "will you be my girlfriend?" He asked and she laughed "I've been waiting for that question my whole life" she exaggerated "of course I'll be your girlfriend" she said and clay pulled the girl into a kiss

They both smiled into their kiss, happy to see each other again

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