• Chapter One •

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*Alarm noises*
"Alright just 5 more minutes than I'm up". I tell myself and pull up my covers to get more sleep.

"MAYA CAN YOU GET UP NOWW! IT'S LITERALLY 8 A.M. It's your first day of college! Don't you want to make a good impression?" My mom barges into my room.

"Mom, please. I am done making good impressions on people. I just want to live how I want to. Otherwise I'll just regret everything." I say.

My mom snatches my covers from me and I am hit with the cold air. I shrivel up into a ball.
Why is it soo damn cold in the morning?!

"Come on! Get ready. I'm going to make you some breakfast." My mom says throwing my covers so that they are out of my reach purposely.

I finally decide to get up, get dressed and enter the kitchen. I  fill up a glass of water and drink it up. I sit on my chair and my mom gives me a bowl of cereal. I finish it up and my mom stops me.

"What are you wearing?" Mom says.

"What's wrong with my clothes mom?" I say as I look down on my comfy gray sweatshirt and sweatpants.

"Atleast wear something nice today! Go and change. And take out your hair from that bun and tie it into a neat ponytail." My mom scolds me.

"Mom! This is college not school! Nobody cares what I look like and neither do I! I sometimes really think I have an opposite mom than the rest of the kids." I say.

"And I think I have an opposite daughter who doesn't want to dress up and look good." My mother says.

Ugh. Great. Now I have to change. AGAIN. Seriously I was soo warmed up in these clothes now my body is gonna get cold.

I put on a black shirt with a thick caramel cardigan and denim jeans. I then tie my hair into a ponytail leaving my bangs out. I check my face in the mirror. Nothing looks bad. I am pretty and I know it. But I decide to put on some blush and lip balm. Just so my mother doesn't tell me to fix whatever once again.

"Alright. Now you look decent! Ok go. Your sister is waiting for you in the car. Hurry up!" Mom says.

I roll my eyes. "Okay goodbye mom."

"Goodbye Maya. Have a great day at college!!" Mom shouts.

I run to the car my sister has parked outside. "Whew! Finally." I say as I get inside the car. My sister has turned on the heater.

"How do you feel lil sis? Also this is probably going to be the last time I pick you up and drop you off to college right?"

"I feel.. Nothing at all! I am not nervous.  It's just going to be like what? 600 days or more that I have to survive in college yeah? I can do that. And excuse me? You're my designated driver for the entirety of my college days got it? You'll never see me taking the bus. Or walking back home with anybody." I say pointing at her.

"Oh gosh. Don't take college as a burden already! You're almost 18! Enjoy your days. Try to make new friends. You never know what could happen. It might be the worst time of your life, or maybe just the best. And make sure to study well. I know that part is true. You've always been good at studies." She winks at me.

"Pssh yeah right. But okay. I'll take your advice. But you are driving me to college and picking me up everyday. There's no backing off there." I say stubbornly.

"Haha alright it's a deal if you say so, lil brat. Let's get moving." She laughs and starts driving.

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