Chapter 11 :" A Proposal and Confession "

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Two days later

Akash was busy and had no time to relax in the last two days because Arnav bhai had been out of town for business ,something that happened without notice that he had left the reins in Akash hands without much plan .

" Call me if you need to know anything,  " his  cousin told him, but Akash was reluctant to do so ,this was the time to prove his mettle . He had already gotten all the time off he deserve the past weeks when he was heart broken and he refuse to let anymore work time get affected because of it.

" Sir , everyone is waiting for you in the hall,  " his secretary told him , and he wondered why the meeting had to be held in the very same room Khushiji broke into that intertwined their lives.

Unlike that time ,the room was empty and dark . The ramp wasn't filled with models and there was no sign of his investors that he was about to walk away when a lone figure walked in the ramp looking scared and then the light flooded the room as his eyes found her in the building looking straight at him .

For a brief minute ,he had assumed she was a illusion that his mind conjured until he saw the mic in her hand and a cup of take away coffee.  Even a dream couldn't be this real ,yet she didn't speak for a moment that he was anxious to see if he can touch her to find if it was real or not.

The moment he stepped on the opposite side of the ramp ,she began to speak holding the mic a little closer then normal and he knew for the rest of his life ,he will never forgot them .

" I Love You Akash ,and I am sorry for walking away from us without giving you a chance . I let my past dictate my present and I underestimated your love for me ,I didn't even give you time to decide but made the choice for both of us and i realized my folly so here I am asking you if you can find it in you to forgive me , " her words, filled his heart with warmth as the scars over their separation healed , he closed the distance  between them and spoke up because he couldn't stay away from her any longer

" I Promise you Payal that my Mother will accept you ,because she loves me and I love you.  I know my mother , please trust me,  " he answered back because it was the truth .

Deep down he knew his mother will accept but when payal walked away he didn't want to try because he assumed it had been over between them .

" I know your mother too Akash ,she is the reason I am standing before you,  " Payal answered back,  surprising him as she turned to see his mother and Khushiji smiling at each other as co conspirators.

And it was that moment Akash believed everything will be alright between them ,he is yet to ask the important question asking her to be his wife ,which he will do once he planned a romantic date because she deserved it for finding the courage to come back to him , as it would show his intentions always have been along the same lines.

But for now ,he was content to listen in as his mother and payal told him the barest details on how they managed to even use their employees to trick him to arrange the proposal.  And he was relieved his cousin was out of town because he couldn't imagine ASR being okay with the extent Khushiji changed their schedule for the proposal .


Khushi was beaming with happiness to see her sister happy until she felt his presence beside her, it didn't make sense he wasn't coming home till tomorrow ,she knew it when she planned for the proposal

They may have became friends of sorts but she didn't dare to tell him about the proposal fearing he may turn into ASR if he found out ,that how his employees call him .

Yet he was standing right beside her with a hint of smile as he gazed at his cousin and her sister.

" You have underestimated me yet again ,Khushi . My Employee love romance but they love their job more and if you think you could have pulled it off with my permission that where you went wrong ," he spoke up,  without looking at her and she was stunned that the man had allowed it to happen .

ARSHI SS : Blind Date -Courtesy of Match Making Family [√]Where stories live. Discover now