Chapter 19 : "When Villains Join the Match Making Plans "

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Two weeks later 

Khushi was happy again, after losing what they had finding their way back to each other made her cherish what she had with Arnav, all the more . It was also the reason they both spent almost all the time possible together. He would leave office early and come to her Cafe. His early morning visits resumed as well . 

Their family had decided after all there match making plans, it was time to stop saying anymore about them. So they held on to their silence, when Arnav and her walked back to the living room with hand interwined together that night , Khushi had been expecting questions, over enthusiastic happiness or hug from her family. But they didn't do any such thing.

It both surprised her and made her love their family more, they may have pushed them together. But now they also were giving Arnav and Khushi time to find their own path together. Which was the reason, Arnav and her were using the time before those questions and decision to be just together and happy . 

Even now, they had plans to go on a date which made her excited and she had plans to close the shop early tonight for the reason. The Cafe had been her dream but she realized in the months apart from Arnav, she could afford to take some time off from work, after their break up, she had worked 24*7 to keep her mind away from thinking about him. Which had been the reason, the Cafe was quite popular but also because of her partner NK.

Khushi noticed he had taken to come to the shop more and more than before, he agreed to be silent partner but recently, he had taken more interests in the Cafe that she had even cleared out the adjacent empty room from her office and made it into his office. So he can have a place of his own.

" The shop will be closed in thirty minutes " Khushi spoke up once she knocked and entered his office room where he was reading through the files.

"Are you kicking me out too, so you and Arnav can have the Cafe for just the two of you ?" NK asked back with a smile . He had been the only teasing her about their reunion, from the silence of their family, his teasing only made it all the more real.

"No, We are going out on a date today. You have the other key, lock it when you leave, I am leaving now " Khushi answered back and left his room, Arnav had  promised to pick her up in five minutes and so she was going to lock her office and wait for him outside. 

But at the last minute decided to check the kitchen to find if she can eat anything, as she got hungry. She was rummaging through kitchen when a hand wrapped around her waist pulling her into an embrace, her shoulder hit his chest and she would have screamed hadn't it been for the one word that greeted her " Khushi". 

"You scared me " Khushi whispered back , but refused to move away from his embrace.  She loved taking any chance to be held by him. It was something that always made her believe this time they will make it , after all they learned their lesson last time.

" Sorry, I couldn't keep my hands of you. " he answered back with his smile that made her forget almost everything, making him laugh or smile feel like an achievement of its own. And her heart thrilled that she was the reason for that smile .

" You can keep your hands on me as long as you like " Khushi answered back and blushed, she had gotten bold at voicing out her thoughts as well, and his answer had been to kiss her that she forgot all about being hungry few minutes ago. His kisses tend to have that effect on her and how she missed him and his kisses, by the time they both emerged out of the kitchen. Khushi was breathless and happy.

" Let me go and get my handbag, then we can leave " Khushi told him, but if she expected him to wait for her outside, she was wrong as he walked along side her to the small office room. They both really don't want to spend a minute apart it seems and that only after she entered the office, did she hear the loud voice of arguments from NK room.

ARSHI SS : Blind Date -Courtesy of Match Making Family [√]Where stories live. Discover now