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8 years earlier

Malia stood by the window, tracing the droplets as they appeared on the glass and disappeared from her reach.

She remembered her mother's gentle touch on her shoulder, the softness in her tone. Her father had held her hands in his, turning her palm to leave a kiss in the middle. His eyes crinkled before he parted.

They were glowing in her mind. The early morning rays flowing into the auditorium illuminated their figures. She smelled of baking, and he of books. Leaving a waft in the air from a final embrace, they were gone.

She clenched her small fingers against her ribcage. It had been three hours since the Guardians had heard news of their whereabouts.

The daughter of a Guardian, Isabelle, stood beside her. Isabelle didn't glance at Malia or the droplets. She only stared out the window, waiting for her father's image to materialize from the distance.

Isabelle was a quiet child, though not shy, like Malia. They would play for hours, making their own games and communicating in their own language, before Isabelle would return to school or her home in the kingdom. Malia was the only child who lived in the castle.

Malia had asked permission often, pleaded on others, first to study and then to play with the other children in the kingdom. She had never had friends. Nor did she have siblings.

Her mother would have a moment of visible distress before her strict but kind demeanour would return. She only wanted Malia to know that the decision was for her safety.

However, her mother had allowed her the presence of one other child in the kingdom. Isabelle. Especially during times when Isabelle's father was away. He had been more than willing to oblige the request of his King and Queen.

Outside of her home, the only place Isabelle wanted to be was at the castle. When Malia couldn't find her inside, Isabelle was always in the Guard Den, watching the Guardians during their time of sparring.

There was another child Malia and Isabelle's age. He preferred to be alone, singling himself from the other children, and he was a rare sight at the castle. His father was the Commander of the the Guardians, and his older brother had just started training. Malia would see the older brother often, wandering the halls or outside the castle. He always gave her a smile and a tip of his black hat. Malia gave a timid smile in return each time.

As if thinking about Victor was proving to be an effective calming method, he appeared behind the two girls. His boyish face looked restrained and his brow was furrowed, making him appear older than he was. He had the pained expression of an adult.

For a long time, he didn't speak. Neither making an effort to start a conversation or move away from the girls.

A few moments later, when he heard footsteps approaching, he unfroze. He held one arm over Malia's shoulder and one arm over Isabelle's, in protection. Malia saw him glance behind and shake his head at the figure, an intruder.

When the intruder backed away, he led the girls towards the dining area. He knelt in front of them as they were seated. Malia saw the sadness in his eyes, confirming what she had already felt, and began to cry before he spoke.

Isabelle didn't shed a tear.

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