Chapter XXIII

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She had met Elias in the study, where he stood holding a bouquet she graciously accepted along with a peck on her cheek.

They found Victor and Isabelle whispering in the hallway. She thought she saw Isabelle blush when she caught sight of Malia passing through, but Malia didn't ask questions. She shook her head and smiled at them. They held their arms out, and she ran, embracing them both as they congratulated her on her special day.

They had already spent the morning together, Victor and Isabelle checking on the last preparations, she and Elias uncontrollable in discussing their ideas and plans for the kingdom. She had brought her family into the courtyard for lunch, sharing and laughing, while Elena and Tobias took turns sharing their favourite memories of Malia's parents.

She no longer felt a hollowness when she thought of them. On this day, she thought they were here beside her, smiling along with them, and as proud of her as Elena and Tobias were. She raised her glass in honour of them, saying a silent prayer in their name. Elena raised her glass in honour of her and she smiled, the happiness threatening to spill from her cheeks.

"I think I'll retire," Tobias came up behind them, holding Malia to his side. She laughed as she was pulled away from Victor and Isabelle.

"What would you do with all your free time?" Malia asked.

"Are you looking for an Advisor?" he looked down at her and Malia giggled in response.

"Sorry, Dad," Elias shrugged, "that post is already taken."

"Is it now?" Tobias smiled at them.

He had already agreed to serve as a second Advisor. Malia would need support and experience, if she wanted to make a difference for the kingdom, now two kingdoms. Elena had also offered to lend a hand to Phelmor, serving as a Liaison with the castle for Subject Affairs. She was more than happy to take the position.

There was still one question that they needed to answer.

"Dad," Victor asked catching Tobias's attention, "who will be Commander?"

Malia looked between them, and Tobias caught her eye.

Just yesterday, she had been talking to Tobias about the Guardians. While Tobias offered to still train the Guardians, he would be devoted to his role as Advisor.

Malia had made a suggestion for a new Commander, someone who she thought deserved to make the decisions for the new generation.

Tobias had agreed with her decision and said that he would help ease them into their role as in charge.

Tobias was about to speak, but Malia shook her head.

"It'll be announced at the crowning," Malia said in glee.

She knew Victor was eager to hear the results, and he groaned in protest, but Malia was sure about her decision. She wanted it to be a surprise, and she wanted to share her special day.

She would also announce the role of her Advisor, that would replace The Council, and her new Liaison for Subject Affairs.

"Then we have some preparations to make," Isabelle looped her arm with Malia's and led her back to the bedroom.

Malia looked down at Isabelle's arm and was happy to see the bandages removed. While Isabelle's gash had been healing, she had insisted on removing her bandages yesterday. After protesting, the medical aide agreed, though Malia thought it was just because he wanted Isabelle to stop complaining.

Isabelle left her inside with her Maidens.

There was already a dress set out at her bed, which she had been told was her mother's. It was white, with beading on the blouse and lace down to the bottom. Malia thought that three people could fit inside it.

After dressing and fussing over tiny pieces of Malia's stray hair, Malia told them that it was time to go.

She was escorted to the new Advisor Room, which was once the Council Room, by Elias.

As she entered through the primary entrance by the castle doors, she could see the light streaming in from the front doors of the castle. The doors had been opened to welcome the Subjects inside. The Subjects rose as she took her seat on the throne and Elias stepped away to take his seat on the Advisory next to his father. Instead of a table, she had asked two chairs to be made and set just to the right of her throne.

With no living relatives, Malia had asked Elena to officiate the crowning. She had asked Tobias first but he had refused, not considering it to be his place. Elena had been thrilled.

The rest of the crowning ceremonies passed without hindrance.

She dictated the oath. She made a speech to her people, which Tobias had agreed to help her prepare, and Elena set the jewels on top of her head. Closing the official crowning ceremony, Elena had wrapped a cape around her shoulders. It reminded Malia of her mother's shawl.

She introduced the Advisory to the Subjects who cheered, and her new Liaison, who was also met with approval.

"Which leaves one post left unfilled," Malia stated.

She picked the golden sword from the opposite to the Advisory, ready to announce her new Guardian Commander.

She smiled back at Isabelle and Victor, who were standing in their rightful posts to each side of the throne.

"With this sword, I announce," Malia started, and walked over to where the two Guardians stood. Taking a step to the right, she placed it in the hands that were held out in confusion. The eyes stared back at her in disbelief.

"Kaurtyn's Guardian Commander," Malia turned towards the Subjects. "Chosen by the Queen to serve the throne and the kingdom."

She looked into Victor's eyes as he smiled widely. She returned the smile, just as wide. He looked honoured and proud. She had a feeling that he would never forget this moment, and neither would she.

Both of them turned their heads to face the new Commander.

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