Chapter XX

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Waiting was the most gruelling task Malia had ever done.

Elias had forbidden her to go into the auditorium or the Council Room for fear of what might happen if the opposing force entered any large, open spaces. She would only be putting herself at risk.

He had helped her upstairs, keeping her safe in her Chambers. Instead, Malia kept walking up to the tower.

She rarely visited the tower. It was a memory she shared with her parents. They would spend time at the top, her father lifting her up and spinning her around, showing the entire kingdom from above. A kingdom now under attack.

Elias trailed behind her, the spiral steps making it difficult on his foot. When she reached the top, he looked around in awe for a moment before remembering the battle that was happening below. He put his arm around Malia as they watched from above. She did little to calm her.

From the colour of the uniforms, she knew that the soldiers were from Zhamdir. Purple was their kingdom's colour, as the Guardians wore black and gold for Kaurtyn.

Zhamdir's army seemed slightly smaller than that of Kaurtyn, at least from where Malia stood. She watched one of the Guardians throw a Zoldier, from their horse, but another came up from behind.

She turned her head away.

She couldn't bear to watch, especially if something happened to any of her Guardians.

She thought of Victor and his warm, affectionate smile. She wanted to be held again, and have him reassure her that everything would be fine. It was always believable when it came from him. An image of play sword fighting came back to her. She had stopped behind Victor, smiling, with a twig. He was both surprised and jovial to see Malia take an interest in the Guardians. He play-fought with her through the Guard Den, mock falling over and admitting defeat.

She thought of Isabelle and her steely exterior. Regardless of how Isabelle appeared from the outside, she cared about Malia. Sometimes Malia thought she cared more than anyone else. Isabelle would know what to do, without instructions from either Malia or by the Guardians. Her loyalty meant more than anything else. Though she was stubborn, just like Malia.

She thought of Tobias. He was the first person to step forward to care for her after her parent's death. While The Council had considered her a nuisance and a problem, Tobias had welcomed her with open arms. Looking after her as a promise to her late parents and for his devotion to the kingdom.

The three people that she cared about most and they were all fighting for her, with their lives.

She held her stomach as she reached the bottom of the steps. She felt just like The Council.

What if her Subjects resented her for putting their lives in danger and her needs above their own? Did she work for the kingdom or just to protect the assets of the castle?

Was there even any distinction?

She fell to the ground, blocking the sight from the windows.

Now was not the time to wallow or despair.

Raising her head, she made a decision. She would have to act quickly, if she would evade Elias.

Before he could stop her, she ran for the steps. 

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