Chapter XXI

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Elias called behind her, stumbling down the steps, but she didn't pay heed to any of his warnings.

"I'm not doing anything to help from inside here!" She called back, her frustration and pain trickling into her voice.

"So give it all to me," Antoine stepped out from behind the shadows.

She took a few steps backward in the hall between the Guard Den and the Council Room. He didn't follow her.

"I won't hurt you," Antoine shrugged, "unless you give me a reason to."

"What do you want?" Elias asked in a deep voice, stopping behind her. He almost snarled at Antoine.

"Nothing," Antoine smiled at himself, "well, everything."

He spun around, holding his hand out to the surrounding space.

"Give me Kaurtyn," Antoine said.

Elias scoffed.

"It's not happening," Elias replied, deadpan.

Antoine ignored him.

"What does Kaurtyn give you?" Malia asked. She still didn't understand Antoine's plan or why he had waited this long. Had he always planned to steal the throne from her regency all along?

"A larger empire. Control of the subcontinent," he said if it explained everything.

"Were you the one who captured me?" Elias asked, stepping forward, changing the topic. Malia looked at Antoine, afraid of the answer. Somehow torturing her and Elias hurt more than his plans to take over the kingdom, that she was used to while he was on the Council.

Antoine shrugged.

"I saw you leaving in the morning," he said. "My job was to inform the Zoldiers. They did the rest. It was only a matter of time to ignite Zhamdir's plans as they began to see Kaurtyn as a looming threat. Maybe Kaurtyn had sent a spy to measure their first attack."

Malia staggered backward.

Zhamdir was a ruthless kingdom. If not for Isabelle and Victor, they would have never made it out of that tunnel alive.

"Why do all of this in the first place?" Elias questioned.

"No one will be able to defeat or steal from the largest empire on the subcontinent. Think of all the good Phelmor and Kaurtyn could do when brought together."

"Then why not do this earlier?"

"Zhamdir and Wathora wouldn't stand a chance. The Zoldiers are already getting massacred outside," Antoine shook his head in both disgust and disbelief.

"So you've decided to reason with me instead?" Malia asked. She almost took a step forward but Elias held in her place, using his own body as a shield.

"Well, we could end matters right here," Antoine said. "Give me Kaurtyn and I will call off the Zoldiers."

"How are you in control of the Zoldiers?" Malia asked, confused.

"I'm not," he said. "but once there is a monarch"—he pointed to himself—"they'll have no choice but to back down from Phelmor and from Kaurtyn."

"I will never give my kingdom to you," Malia said, enunciated each word. Elias nodded his head in agreement. His gaze as blistering as her own.

Antoine sighed.

"I can always just kill you," he said, bracing his hands together as if he were to make a strangling motion.

Malia's eyes narrowed and Elias held her closer to himself.

"Touché," Malia responded.

Antoine's eyes flickered up in approval. His lip curved upward for a moment but then he shook his head.

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