A story

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"Once upon a time, there lived a little troll who was very different from all his friends.

He had a friend named Oz, who was red.

He had a friend named Rae, who was pink.

He had a friend named Clint, who was purple.

He had a friend named Wolf, who was yellow.

He had a friend named Mau, who was blue.

And he had a friend named Dolly, who was orange.

All his friends were different colors, but he was all of the colors at once.

He was so different. Nothing was as colorful as he was.

The young troll Started to feel sad. Why couldn't he be normal? Why couldn't he be someone else?

One day, the young troll sat under a tree. He looked up, and saw a rainbow just as colorful as he was. He had to ask the rainbow what it was like! 'Oh mister Rainbow, what's it like being so bright and colorful?'

The rainbow replied. 'Little troll, don't you know already? You have so many colors as well!'

The little troll shook his head. 'I don't want to be though, mister rainbow. All my friends are one color, why am I like you?'

The rainbow thought that over for a moment. 'Do you really hate being as colorful as me? I can take your color away, if that's what you want.'

The young troll was happy. He could be just like his friends now! 'Oh, yes please, mister rainbow! Make me just like everyone else!'

And so, with a dash of rainbow magic, the colorful troll was nothing more than grey now.

Happy, the troll sped off to tell his friends. First, he went to see the red troll Oz. 'Where did you come from?'

He then went to see his pink friend Rae. 'Oh my! Who are you?'

Next, he went to see his purple friend, Clint. 'Do I know you?'

Wolf, the yellow troll was after that. 'My word, why are you so grey?'

The blue troll, Mau, came next. 'Hey, have we met before?'

Last was the orange troll Dolly. 'You look familiar.'

The young troll cried out to his friends. 'It's me! Don't you remember me?'

The friends at last realized it was the young troll.
Oz laughed and stepped forward. "You don't look right without red. Here, have some of mine!'

Rae was second. 'No, he needs pink in him! I can share mine with you.'

Clint came forward to. 'I have some extra purple, if you need it.'

Wolf smiled. 'Everyone could use a touch of yellow; I'll share what I have!'

Mau nodded. 'You can have my blue, too! Never too much blue!'

Dolly crossed her arms. 'I think you need Orange. I have plenty to spare.'

With all his friends giving him bits of his color, he looked the same as before! 'Why did you guys give me your color? I thought you'd like me better with one!'

All the friends shook their heads. 'We like you as you! And now you have a bit of all of us!'

And so, the little rainbow troll, with a bit of all of his friends, was happy at last, just the way he was.'"

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