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King Trollex of the techno trolls knew he deserved this. After all he'd done till now he really wasn't surprised where he had ended up. If anything he was shocked it had taken this long. He sighed heavily. Even if he knew it was coming, didn't make it any better.

He was grounded, and there was no getting out of it.

He let out a groan, scratching at the wrappings around his shoulder. The other leaders had insisted that his injury needed to be taken care of, despite his insistence that he was perfectly fine. Sure, it still hurt, but that was only because the universe seemed bent on torturing him.

Almost like the author of his life was a bit of a sadist.

He rolled over in his temporary bed and looked out the window, which offered a rather lovely view of the city. He could probably just slip right out the window... He let his head fall on the pillow with a groan. He was already in enough trouble as it was; if he did that he really wouldn't hear the end of it!

That was when he heard something from outside his window. He rolled himself out of the bed and made his way over, poking his head outside to get a better look. That's when he came face to face with Barb. He almost let out a yelp of surprise before she clapped a hand over his mouth, indicating that he needed to be quiet. He gave a small nod and she let him go.

"What are you doing here? We'll both be in trouble if they see you...!" He whisper yelled at her, though he was still glad to see her.

"How would they know? My city, I can go where I want." Despite that, she looked around to confirm no one was watching, before she pushed him back into the room and hopped in behind him. "I'm breakin' you out, fish boy."

He blinked, rather shocked at the matter of fact statement. "Wait, really? But there's no way we can... We shouldn't anyway, right?" Despite his half-hearted excuse, his heart was already racing a bit at the thought of directly disobeying those that put him in here, even if he knew it was for his own good.

Barb seemed to notice the excitement he was trying to hide. "I know you wanna, man. Come on! Let's go, I got Riff down below ready to make a distraction! It's time to choose..." She held her hands out, shaking her head and looking a bit pouty. "Stay here for your grounding, or..." She grinned, pointing out the window at the bright blue sky and bustling city below. "Or come have fun and party with me and the rock trolls!"

He bit his lip a bit, looking out the window once more before grinning at Barb. "You only live once, right?"

She cackled at that, just barely keeping her voice down. "Right!" She ran to the window, and waved her hands about, catching Riff's attention. He gave her a thumbs up before running off. "OK, just gotta wait for the distraction now! But before that... you gotta blend in!" She stuck nearly her entire body out the window, her legs in the air kicking to keep her balance. A moment later she pulled herself back inside, a bag hung in her hand. "Disguises~"

She ran to the bed, and unceremoniously dumped the contents of the bag onto it. Immediately a deep dusty brown jacket caught his eye, and he picked it up, admiring the feel of the leather under his thumb. "Pretty nice, eh? Figured you'd go for the jacket! It works great to, since the material is so thick, no one'll see your arms glowing!" She hummed a bit, then turned back to the pile. After a few moments she held up a dark grey knit beanie and a pair of fingerless gloves like he'd seen her father wearing. "Try these on, too!"

She hopped in place, clearly giddy. She reminded him of Poppy a little. He chuckled and slipped on the jacket, zipping it up and testing the fit. It was a little tight around his chest, but he could live with it. Once he felt comfortable, he slipped on the gloves and took up the beanie, flipping himself upside down in the air to use gravity to help get his hair all tucked under it. He flipped back again to look in a nearby mirror.

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