The Abyss

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Trollex was getting really, REALLY tired of waking up in strange places. So when he opened his eyes and found he was in an unfamiliar room, he let out a groan and closed his eyes again. He definitely didn't want to deal with this...

That's when he felt the scales on his arms crawl, and he sat up suddenly, feeling something watching him from the shadows. He scanned the room slowly, eyes narrowed as he thanked his ancestors for his ability to see in the dark.

As he scanned the stone walls around him, he realized that there was absolutely no natural light coming in from outside. The only light in the room was actually coming from him. He bit his lip a little, not much liking that fact. It meant that of everywhere in the world he could be, he must be under water... but he was dry as a bone.

Between this and the deep seeded fear he felt, he wanted to bolt! He moved to get out of bed, but winced as his head spun. When his hand went up to rub at the sore spot on the back of his head, his fingers froze as grazed against cloth. A bit more feeling around his head confirmed that his head had been bandaged.

That when he felt his scales crawl again, and he turned his gaze slowly to the nearby door frame. He was met with a pair of piercing red eyes. It was almost like he was under a spell. He wanted to look away, he wanted to run, or do anything, but he was trapped by the glow of the eyes. Until they blinked.

And he let out a shriek that would have shattered glass, where there any nearby.

That's when he heard soft footfalls coming from the hall beyond, that's when a vibrant red... troll? He had never seen one like this before. It had long wings like a dragon fly, which glittered as they caught the light from the torch they carried. The other seemed to have animal like legs, ending in stilt like feet, and a long tail tipped with feathers. Everything else seemed to be troll like, except... they had four arms...?

He blinked a bit, and realized something now that there was a source of natural light in the room. The glowing red eyes seemed to belong to some dog like beast formed of darkness. He let out a small squeak and shrunk in on himself.

The red troll seemed to be rather cross, looking Trollex over slowly, a gnarled wooden staff held in one hand, with a green crystal mounted on top. When the other troll tapped the bottom of the staff against the floor, the shadow creature stalked forward, eyes level with Trollex's, despite the sheer size of it. He let out a small whimper and scooted back on the bed in an attempt to flee the creature and strange troll.

That's when he heard a cheerful voice from the hall the red troll had come through. "Daaaaddyyyyy! Where are you? Do you have Fluffy with you? Wait, are you visiting the new troll? No fair! I wanted to meet him first!" That's when the owner of the female voice poked her head into the room, and he saw that she was a dull, faded coppery red, with hair like blue fire. She had larger wings than the red troll, her tail whipping back and forth excitedly. "Oh gosh, he's awake!"

He stared, rather shocked as the new troll bounced up to him, taking a hand in hers and shaking it. "Hi! I'm Princess Myla! It's nice to finally meet you; we've been watching you for AGES!"

"Myla, enough!" Trollex jumped when he heard the red troll speak, and he quickly realized he was definitely a male. "Please, dear, calm down... You know he wasn't supposed to be here for a long time yet..."

Myla, the copper troll sighed, releasing Trollex's hand and turning back to the red troll, her father. "Yeah, I know dad, but he's here now, right? There's no way to get him back to his home, so why not introduce ourselves properly?"

That seemed to snap Trollex out of whatever spell he was under. He blinked, staring at the two trolls. "I-I'm sorry, but... where am I? And why can't I get back home...?"

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