Family ties

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King Trollex REALLY didn't want to wake up.

He snuggles deeper into the soft sheets around him, sighing contentedly. He'd never slept in something so soft before...

His eyes shot open and he sat up quickly. This wasn't where he fell asleep...!

He looked around the room, noting that it was rather large, the bed he was in was massive compared to himself, and it was rather beautifully decorated. He soon spotted a note on the bedside table, as well as a half-eaten tray of food. He chuckled, recognizing Beat's handy work. He lifted the note, and was surprised to find beautiful, looping handwriting.

Dear Trollex,

I'm very sorry that my husband scared you yesterday; he often forgets that he can appear a bit intimidating. Cooper gave us a rundown of what you need, but the king and I would like to speak to you in private when you wake up. Once you've eaten, please feel free to call on us.

Hoping to speak with you soon,
Queen Essence and King Quincy.

He scanned the rest of the note, and found some more scribbled in rough Techno.

Deer Tollux
Food iss good. EAT. Gone exploring. Bbl.

Trollex laughed at the note, grabbing an untouched pastry and nibbling on it. He blinked a bit, and took another bite. It was really tasty...!

He ended up finishing the rest of the plate, patting his stomach as he let out a contented sigh. "Man... I have to ask who they get to cook their food...!"

He flicked his tail a bit, glancing back towards the empty plate. He kind of wished he had more... He tilted his head a bit, having spotted a button in the middle of the plate. "How strange..."

Without any mind for the consequences, Trollex pressed the button. With a sharp beep and a whirring noise, the plate suddenly lifted up and flew off.

He stared after the plate, stunned. "Well, if I had those when I was young, I would never have gotten in trouble for having dishes in my room...!"

When he looked back at the table, he saw a tablet beneath where the plate had sat. "What's that...?"

When he picked it up, the screen suddenly flickered to life. He nearly dropped it in his surprise, before reading the prompt on it. It was a message that simply said "Call"

After the last button he pressed, he couldn't help pressing this one. He did drop the tablet though when a loud ringing sound blasted from it.

He hid under the covers, glaring at the tablet as it rang a few more times.

Click. "Hello? King Trollex, is that you?"

Trollex tilted his head. "Wha...?" He inched forward, peering down at the tablet. "W-Wait, is that you, queen Essence?"

The queen let out a relieved sigh. "Oh, good! I'm glad you're awake. How was breakfast?"

Trollex hummed in satisfaction. "Oh, it was great! My compliments to the chef!"

She giggled, turning to look at something off screen. "You hear that? Trollex sends his compliments, dear."

Quincy's face suddenly appeared, taking up most of the screen. "He liked it? You really like it! I'm glad; I spent quite a lot of time on breakfast today. I'm rather proud!"

It took a moment for that to process in Trollex's mind. "Wait.... YOU made the food?!" In his surprise, Trollex sat up to fast, mistakenly falling off of the bed in the process, a resounding thud echoing when he hit the floor.

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