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Trollex had plenty to think about now. Beat had left with Fluffy, or the Guardian as queen Vespa always called him, to go and inform the other Troll tribe leaders of the current situation.

He had found himself once again staring out at the dark ocean that surrounded them, this time taking up a position on a rock spire near the center of town. The royals had told him that he might well be the key to their freedom, but he wasn't sure what he was supposed to do.

He closed his eyes, remembering the words Vespa had used. "From what my ancestors told me of our legends, it states that 'the light must face the darkness, shining bright with the worlds color', though that is, admittedly, not a definitive wording... But something tells me that there was no mistake made when the Guardian brought you to us."

He let out a groan, flopping onto his back and staring up. The view was the same. He closed his eyes, letting his mind drift to better sort his thoughts out.

He didn't feel like he was some big savior of an entire tribe. Heck, thanks to him, he nearly LOST his whole tribe.... Twice! He gently laid his hand over his heart, focusing on the gentle, rhythmic pulsing.

He thought back on his journey thus far. He had felt so lost and alone when he lost his color. He still wasn't entirely sure what pushed him to go to the Pop trolls in the first place. Maybe it was Beat, trying to encourage him? Maybe it was his sense of duty to his trolls?

He definitely didn't regret that first step in his journey. Pop troll village had been nice to visit. It was upbeat, and everyone was extremely friendly. It was hard to believe they nearly got eaten only a bit ago. He wondered what Poppy and Branch were up to, or if Beat had made it with his message?

He could imagine Poppy getting all excited about the discovery of a new tribe, while Branch poured over his books to find a way to help them out. He chuckled softly, the king and queen of pop appearing to his mind's eye. They were like an older brother and sister, good to talk to and ready to help.

His mind wandered further along his journey, when Cooper had 'kidnapped' him to Vibe city. He missed Cooper's lax attitude, and was still trying to figure out what the Funk troll meant whenever he talked about how he 'sounded'. He hoped he got a chance to ask... He felt his heart tighten a bit as he remembered what he had done to Essence and Quincy. He had been so defensive towards them, and hadn't accepted their affection for him.

He smiled. He still had a hard time believing they wanted him as a part of their family... it felt nice, like he belonged to something special. Sure, he belonged to the Techno troll tribe, but that was a big thing, often stressful. He could unwind with the Funky family, which was something he needed desperately right now.

Delta would probably know what to do better. She had figured out a few things about his missing colors he hadn't even thought of. It wasn't just the music; it was the feelings and emotions behind it. He missed Lonesome flats, even if it was a bit too hot for him. He could still feel tenseness and stinging pain in his shoulder from his injury, and absently noted he may be stuck with it now.

Even now, he still feared Delta's wrath. He wasn't surprised the Country leader had a soft side to her; he believed everyone did, but he was surprised she let him of all trolls see it. He remembered Hickory as well; the Country troll that helped him put his arm back in place. He seemed like a rather kind troll, willing to help someone he didn't know.

He remembered Trollzart to, how kind he was. Knowing another troll leader that was an odd age gave him a bit of comfort, though he knew Trollzart was close to retiring. He remembered Bach to, the troll he'd first met at Symphonyville. He wondered what the Classical trolls were up to now.

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