A Brief History

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Trollex had settled into the flow of things down in the Abyss, home of the Dark Ambient trolls. It was strange, seeing random trolls from other tribes scattered amongst the natives here. Whenever he'd run onto one, he'd stop to have a chat, most mentioning that they either didn't remember arriving, or had been here since they hatched.

Those few that did remember, often said they had been in danger, about to be eaten or terribly injured, and then they woke up here, cared for and given refuge.

None were all that upset about being unable to leave, save for most of the Techno trolls that had been brought en masse after the Pop troll rave at Techno reef. The Blush family was particularly distressed, isolating themselves in the place they were given.

Trollex made a point of visiting them every day, reminding them that Coral Blush was fine, safe in the care of the Rock trolls. Of course, this didn't lift their spirits any.

It was after one particularly depressing visit that Trollex found himself floating near the barrier that kept them all within the Abyss, and everything else out. He stared out, seeing past the bubble out into the deep, dark ocean.

When he was younger, he remembered feeling like the darkness was alive. Being here, staring out into the water, that sensation was never clearer than now. He floated closer to the barrier, reaching out to it. He felt like if he could push hard enough, he'd pop himself right through the bubble and out into the water.

He held his own hand back. He'd seen what happened when others tried to leave, even Myla couldn't. She had just set her hand on it and it had given her a rather nasty looking shock. He pulled himself back, making his way towards the center of town once again. Honestly the territory here was so small. He was able to stand at one end of the bubble, and see clearly to the other if he went above the buildings.

Once he was back at the center of town, he spotted two familiar figures, chatting with someone he didn't recognize yet. He flew over, landing on his fins as he gave a small bow. "King Sheo, Princess Myla, it's been a few days, hasn't it now?"

Myla smiled brightly, giving a small curtsey with a flutter of her wings. "Yeah, I'm sorry Trollex, we needed to talk with my mother and see about a few family matters in the tunnels below. It's safer if outside trolls don't try to enter the tunnels, or I'd have invited you..."

He waved her concern off. "It's alright Myla. But... do you mind if I ask who this is?" He gestured at the faded golden troll standing between the king and princess.

She giggled, holding a hand out to gesture at the gold troll. "Trollex, this is my mum, the Queen of Dark Ambient, Queen Vespa."

His eyes widened, and he bowed again, a bit deeper than he had before. "I-I'm sorry, Queen Vespa, I should have guessed..."

Vespa held up a hand, her wings set against her back. She was only slightly shorter than King Sheo, who he had noticed was a good deal taller than most of his tribe. She had soft fur on her chest like her daughter, her antennae longer than either of the two royals. She held herself with authority, clearly used to the role of ruler. "It is fine, King Trollex. I apologize for not having greeted you with my husband and daughter when you woke initially."

Trollex smiled nervously. He could feel something strange about the queen. A tenseness that came from years of anxieties. Of course, she was a queen, so that was to be expected, but he had never gotten such a strong feeling before.

The queen seemed to pick up on that. She stepped closer to him, her footfalls making no sound as she leaned in to inspect him. "Rainbow... A true descendant of the original... They did not lie..."

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