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After a good night's sleep in his own bed, Trollex woke up feeling new and fresh. He hummed along to some of the songs he'd heard on his trip as he did his morning routine, and by the time Beat was up, he was brushing his teeth while singing coat of many colors to his toothbrush. Beat blinked a bit, watching Trollex as he danced.

Eventually Beat decided to catch the others attention, letting out an awkward cough. He snickered a bit as Trollex let out a startled cry, zipping to hide behind the nearest object, which happened to be a coral tree used as a light fixture.

Trollex peaked out from behind the coral; shooting Beat a half-hearted glare. "Beat? What are you doing?"

The little fish grinned. "Making sure you're going to be ready for when you talk to the Trolls gathered outside. If you were planning on a smaller crowd than yesterday, prepare to be disappointed!"

He tilted his head slightly. "What do you mean? How many are out there...?"

Beat hummed, looking up to the ceiling in thought. "Well, every single Troll in Techno reef came back, plus a strange group of Pop trolls, and a couple Rock trolls to."

His eyes widened and he swam quickly out of the bathroom and made his way to a balcony that overlooked the courtyard. Sure enough, he could see a familiar group of Pop trolls, and an assortment of Rock trolls, with one being familiar. "Barb, Poppy, Branch and the snack pack are here!" He laughed, diving off of the balcony and swimming to the group. "Welcome to my home, guys!"

He laughed when he realized just what was going on. All the foreign trolls were trying to figure out how to swim, while the Techno trolls did their best to keep the group at least floating upright. He watched as the sparkly Pop troll, who he remembered was Guy Diamond, floated upside down, grinning at Trollex. "King Trollex! Hi! Nice place you have here, very colorful."

Poppy spun in the water when she heard Guy diamond address him, and she did her best to tackle hug him, which turned into an awkward swim and a clumsy embrace. "Trollex! This place is so pretty! I wish I'd come here sooner!"

Of all of them, the three having the easiest time were DJ Suki, who was riding on his usual Synthfish, Branch, who seemed to adjust well to the water, and Cooper, who he knew had done this before with him. He perked up when he heard a distressed cry, and looked up to see the largest troll, Biggie, floating upwards and struggling to return to their level. He chuckled as he watched Bliss Marina swim up to help him back down.

That was when he noticed that it seemed to be one Techno troll sticking next to each guest, helping them swim and blowing the occasional heart bubble. "You guys helped my friends get down here? But why?"

Bliss smiled sweetly, keeping a hand on Biggie's shoulder to keep him from floating away again. "Beat told us how much you enjoyed your time on the surface with your friends, so we thought we'd invite who we could!"

Cooper smiled, swimming closer to Trollex. "Yeah! Mom 'n' dad woulda come to, but they had to stay and help D. with a few things back home."

Guy diamond floated by them, though it was clear the gentle ebb and flow of the seas current was moving him around. He had given up on fighting the will of the water. "So, we decided to come! I wanted to meet more Techno trolls, and man, I thought Pop village was bright and colorful!" He waved a hand through the water, which was when Trollex noticed that there was a thin cloud of glitter around the silver troll.

Barb crossed her arms, showing off her toothy grin. "Yeah! Your trolls gave us a grand tour, and then at the end told us they were trying to set up a concert for you!" She motioned between herself, Poppy, and Branch. "So we've been trying to figure out how we can help to. I brought some rock trolls to help with any heavy lifting, and Popcorn over there brought her friend the DJ."

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