Past, Present, and Future

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Trollex had come to respect Branch's cautious ways and his ability to assess any situation. Especially in this moment, where Branch had just brought to light a very interesting idea. He rubbed at the back of his head, remembering the details of the children's story that all the tribes apparently shared.

"A tribe of trolls different from the others... One that we haven't heard about and only MIGHT be connected to an old kid's story? I don't know Branch, that's a lot of what ifs and questions..."

Branch nodded a bit. "I know, it's why I didn't bring it up sooner, but I figured it's now or never... If we can't get your green back when we get your blue, then it's the only other option, right? There has to be a seventh tribe out there somewhere."

"Even if that's true, Branch, how would we find them? If the only mention is in a story that's been changed across all the tribes, where are we supposed to look? How do we find them?"

"Well, let's look at what we do know...." Branch pulled out several rocks, all of which were a different color. He led up the pile. "We know that the troll in the story ASKED to have his color taken away, so he could be like his friends, right?" He pulled out a grey stone and held it up. "Grey is a lot less noticeable than a rainbow, after all." He smiled nervously. "No offence of course."

He waved off the others concern. "None taken."

"And we know that in every story, the rainbow troll asks a rainbow to take away his color. Maybe that's important? I know a cloud that we could ask, but... I'd rather not deal with him, he's... hard to handle." Trollex noted the nervous and exhausted tone Branch used when speaking about the cloud in question. "Beyond that, we know that sometime in the past, all our tribes would have been connected to this other tribe." He smiled. "And I think that was before the strings ever existed."

His eyes widened slightly. "Wait, that's a big jump! What makes you think it's from BEFORE the strings?" If that was true, then a children's book might be the closest thing to a history before the strings.

"In the story, the trolls just give a piece of their color, but for you, you get it from music and building a connection to it and its tribe... That means since the story had no mention of music, it came before the strings." He sighed. "Unfortunately, that's about as far as I can figure. None of the leaders have any books from that time, or anyone that's heard of a seventh tribe..."

Trollex slumped. They were back to square one, even after all of Branch's hard work. "I guess we just have to hope that I can get my green with my tribe..." He found his eyes drifting past Branch, falling on the darkness just outside of the Barrier reef.

He jolted slightly when he felt someone tap his shoulder, spinning around to come face to face with Poppy, who was grinning from ear to ear. "Ohmygosh Trollex! You look so cute! Come on, don't be a loner, come see how it's coming! We should be able to do the show for you by tonight!"

He let out a yelp as she grabbed his hand and started to swim away with him. He looked at Branch, who gave a small salute. He had a feeling he wouldn't get out of this any time soon.

Once he had been dragged over to the main group, he realized just how bad an idea it was to have agreed to the outfit. Just about every Techno troll was completely awe struck, many of the girls commenting on how cute he was, and the boy commenting on wanting to see Trollex in other outfits. Being the center of attention with his own trolls was common, but usually when they were this amped up, he had a reason to keep his distance. He chuckled awkwardly, fiddling with the bracelet on his wrist.

That's when a bloom suddenly sprouted on the bracelet, letting out a soft chiming sound. He stared at it, along with all the other Techno trolls gathered around him. "What in Th—WAH!" He cried out as he was suddenly tackled by Poppy, and it quickly tuned into a hug pile consisting of every visiting Pop troll pilling on top of Trollex, who was very confused and distressed.

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