Chapter 6

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Evie was in front of her mirror in the bathroom. She was looking at her reflection in the mirror. She just went back from Sam's place where he explained everything to her. It felt so unreal. But strangely, she wasn't even surprised. It was like she always kind of knew that there was something strange in Forks and La Push.

Evie's eyes then travelled to the pair of scissors next to the bath tube. According to him, the more she had hair, the more her wolf body hair would be long. And it wasn't convenient to fight. So, Evie took the pair of scissors and ran her thumb on the metal. She looked again at her in the mirror, took half of her hair and cut them at her shoulder level.

To understand what happened, let's go back around an hour ago.


"So," Evie said. "We're shape-shifters. We can phase into giant wolves thanks to a gene in our DNA we inherited from our ancestors. When we phase, we can do telepathy and hear everyone thoughts. We're meant to protect people from the cold ones, also known as vampires. And Leah and I are the first female shifters in the entire Quileute history. "

"Yeah, cool isn't it?" Seth said, joyfully. Evie looked at him and ran her hands on her face. He was still young after all. After calming down, Evie, Leah and Seth came back inside Sam's house. Evie sat a Leah's place, Seth next to her, and Leah stood next to Evie, an arm around her shoulder. Sam then explained everything to her. The tribe legends were real and not just, well, legends. She didn't like the fact that everybody could hear her thoughts when they phase. It meant no privacy at all. She didn't want anyone in her head.

"How are you feeling?" Embry asked.

"Fine," Evie answered. "I mean, I'm not crazy so I guess I'm fine."

She was a shape-shifter. Not really a werewolf which explained why she didn't found anything on the internet. According to Sam, she went through a kind of transition. That explained all the changes she went through in the past four days. But then, something intrigued her. The cold ones. Who were they? Evie had an idea but wasn't sure about it.

"You said we phase when our gene are triggered..."

"Yes, our ancestors made a treaty with cold ones. They don't come to our land, and we don't come on theirs. If the treaty is broken, it could end up with a war between our two kinds," Sam explained.

"And the cold ones..." Evie's voice trailed off, thinking about the night she phased.

"The Cullens," Jacob spatted with disgust and rolled his eyes. Evie unconsciously put her hand on her scar on her neck. No wonder why they seemed to be hated them. Evie noticed how hostile they were the Cullens and vice versa. But, until now, she never knew why. The Cullens never were mean to Evie and she didn't really know them so she had no reason to hold a grudge on them. But she did always felt like something weird, unnatural surrounded now. Now she knew what. They were vampires.

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