A Sequel?

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Hi everyone, first of all, I want to thank you all to have read and supported this story till the end. It moves me a lot to see you so excited about it and supporting Evie on her journey.

There will be obviously a sequel. I cannot let you hanging like that after that epilogue. I already have plenty of ideas for the next. I won't tell you too much, I don't want to spoil. But I can tell you that they will be new characters in the supporting cast. However, I still don't know how important they will be. Also, I need to pre-write the book first before uploading so you would have weekly updates. It may takes some time before the sequel is ready, so please be patient. I hope you will love the sequel as much as you love the first book.

Finally, next week, I will upload some "anecdotes" about how I first thought about the book. At first, there were many parts of the story that were different from what I first imagined.

Well, I think I told you everything.
Ah, wait, one last thing, the sequel is called:

True Feelings: Complications

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