Chapter Fifty Three

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Shiv Pov

Fuck you Dimitri fuck you I cursed loudly in my cabin….. I don’t know what had gotten into him while is behaving like an jerk….. After that party last week Dimitri became very over protective like very much…. He is not letting me drive to work…. Everyday he drives me to work and back home if he is not there he sends an bunch of bodyguard…..12 freaking bodyguards Like literally crazy he is behaving….. To top it of he is not letting me go out along…. We had an huge fight I asked him why he is behaving like this…. He just said they are for my protection every damn time…… ughhh I am so wanted to kill him for behaving so over protective….. Today I asked him that I wanted to meet Amy… he straightforwardly said no I mean he didn’t even gave me any explanation just walked away….. I don’t know what had gotten into him he is behaving very serious and cold towards me…..

I sighed I am really getting an bad headache because of this shit…. I tried to concentrate on my work but I couldn’t fuck I need some food and drinks to cool me down….. I went to the cafeteria ordered some sandwiches and hot chocolate….. After having food I felt much better I went back to my cabin….. When I was about to reach I saw Jason looking tensed standing outside my cabin…. I looked at him confused while he sighed seeing me…. Whats happening here I thought and walked inside my cabin….. When I entered I saw Dimitri standing there shouting at Mark….. Hearing my heels clicking sound Dimitri and Mark turned around and saw me….. I looked at Dimitri who had red eyes with so much anger and rage emitting….. Dimitri walked towards me holding my shoulder he screamed where the fuck did you went??? ….. I flinched slightly at his tone what the hell can’t I go and have some food…. I went to cafeteria to have some food I said with blank face while his eyes turned more darker with anger…..

Food are you fucking serious didn’t I tell you not to leave anywhere without informing me he snapped at me furiously….. For an god sake Dimitri I was hungry and why the fuck I have tell you everything where I go or not I snapped back at him…… it’s for your god damn safety he growled at me….. Safety really Dimitri open your fucking eyes and see I am perfectly fine I screamed at him…. His behaviour is getting on my nerves so much and right now he behaving like  an complete jerk….. I can fucking take care of myself goddamn it I said furiously pushing him away…. He looked at me for few seconds and walked out angrily…. What the hell is wrong with him I fucking asked what’s wrong but he didn’t even say anything…. I saw Mark still standing here looking at me tensed….. What the fuck is wrong with him Mark??? I asked angrily…. Its for your safety shiv mark said making me more angry….. Safety can’t you people see I am fine I snapped at mark…. Leave mark I don’t want to talk about anything right now I said sighing….. So much for having headache mark left the cabin……

After the fight I didn’t see Dimitri by evening I went back to penthouse with bodyguards….. I wanted to talk to Dimitri why he is behaving like this….. Hell I even tried it before but he is not even opening up an little bit….. I was hurt because of him hiding things and this freaking stupid fight we had today…… why can’t men’s be reasonable atleast once….. I cooked dinner for us and waited for him…. It was getting late and I was so hungry so I had my food went to our room and slept…. Morning when I woke up I didn’t find Dimitri in the bed I looked at my other side it was still same….. That means he didn’t came here to sleep…. Sighing I went to bathroom and did my morning routine got ready for work….

Walking into the kitchen I saw the food I kept last night remind untouched….. Having cereals and some juice I went to work…. As usual I prepared his coffee and went to his cabin…. Knocking I waited for few minutes but still no reply came opening his door I went in to see his cabin was empty….. Where the fuck is he??? I cursed inwardly…. Goddamn it Dimitri I felt more hurt and worried that last night he didn’t came to penthouse…. I went to my cabin called Mark asking where he is…. Mark said he is out for some important meeting…. What  fucking meeting which I don’t know….. For the fucking hell I handle his business schedules and meetings….

I was fucking hurt that he didn’t say anything to me hell even mark is lying to me…. Unknowingly tears rushed in my eyes I wiped it fast…. What the hell I did now he is avoiding me…. I picked my phone called Amy asking her to meet me for lunch….. Fuck I need to speak with someone or else I will go crazy….. After the call I rescheduled his meeting for today….. By lunch time I went out informing Jason I am going out…. I took my car and drove to the restaurant….. After entering the restaurant I ordered some food and waited for Amy….. 20 minutes later I was still waiting for Amy in the restaurant while the food already came…..

I picked my phone to call her then I saw her message saying something came up at work so she can’t make it….. Great just fucking great I sighed then finished my lunch and paid the bill…. Walking towards the car my phone rang picking it up I saw it was Dimitri….. I attended the call before saying any words I heard him say where are you damn it why did you went out??? Dimitri screamed in phone with angrily….. I was about to scream at him then he cut me off where the fuck Are you tell me now Shiv??? he screamed impatiently….. Before I could reply I saw an truck coming fast towards my direction then I screamed and my phone slipped everything faded away……

Dimitri Pov

Fear is something I am not familiar with hell even when someone tried to kill me I didn’t feel fear… but now I am feeling it fear…. Fear of losing the person you love the most….. Yes I am afraid that I will lose my love my shiv….. After that party I felt this unsettled feeling in my heart….. I increased the bodyguards for her protection…. I couldn’t tell her what happened that night in party with William….. I wanted to handle all this myself I was scared if I tell her the truth she will leave me or if I don’t there is still an threat for her….. I wanted to protect her hell I wanted to kill that fucking bastard…. Ever since the fire in my mansion my murder attempt we are still trying to find some evidence to trap William…. But that bastard didn’t even let any loop hole either the person is dead or missing… I can’t let him hurt shiv fucking hell I will die if something happens to her…..

These few days I was so hard on her not letting her to go out….. All she wanted to meet her friend but I can’t let her go along while that threat is still there…. Shiv tried to talk to me lot of time but I can’t tell her the truth atleast not yet….. I avoided her giving cold shoulder to her it freaking kills me but her safety is more  important…. Fuck may be I should take her back to the island so Noone could hurt her….. I walked towards to her cabin knowing she is still angry on me….

Opening the door I saw the cabin was empty…. That moment what I felt is something that shook my core…. I was scared where is she?? what if something happens to her….. Fuck fucking hell What the fuck I called Mark immediately who came running towards her cabin…. I asked him to check where she is….. Noone saw her leaving the building mark said making me furious…. What the fuck did you say??? I screamed at mark who flinched at my tone….. Find her mark find her right now goddamn I screamed angrily…. There was hundreds of thought running in my head what if someone kidnapped her or killed her….. No no I can’t lose her I can’t…. Mark tried her phone but it was still in her cabin…..

Then I heard an heels clicking sound turning around I saw her walking into the cabin…. I let the breathe I was holding she is fine she is safe….. Then I felt furious where the fuck she went I screamed at her…. After the fight I can’t stand there for mere seconds knowing I might hurt her more… I walked out of her cabin furiously I fucking seriously need to finish that bastard….. I went to my cabin called Vladimir and Sebastian I need to find a way to end this….. That night I stayed late in my office after that I went to meet Vladimir we discussed everything to hatch an plan….. So I stayed in Vladimir place knowing my security team is there protecting her…..

Next day around afternoon I went back to work I went to her cabin to see her….. I opened the door to see it was empty it was around lunchtime so she might be in cafeteria I thought and took deep breathe controlling my nerve…. I had this bad feeling something is going to happen…. I saw jason walking towards me and asked him where is shiv…. What he said made me furious fucking hell…. I called her phone she picked after few rings I screamed at her not able to control my anger instead of hearing her reply I heard her screaming that moment I felt the ground I was standing slipped I feel on my knees screaming……..

Hello readers, any guesses whats happening?????

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