Chapter Sixty Four

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Dimitri Pov

I stood in the altar nervously waiting for my love….. I was feeling nervous and scared although we are married in Indian tradition still I am scared….. She looked so beautiful in the white saree like an Indian queen she is the queen of my heart….. The first time I saw her in the saree during that video call is nothing compared to real she looked so beautiful I was out of words….. All I could see her walking towards me in the saree I knew she completes me….. I saw my watch again huffed why its taking so long….. What is taking so long??? I asked Sebastian nervously….. Ohh come on it is fifth time your are asking the same question Sebastian groaned while I glared at him…… relax son she will be here soon dad said chuckling…. Its not like you are not married you guys are already married so that poor girl can’t escape Sebastian said smirking…. Bastard I growled at Sebastian while everyone laughed…. Then I heard the music playing turning I saw her walking down in the aisle……

Oh my goddd she is looking like an angel in the white gown…. I could hear grasp around while everyone looked at her in awe….. Definitely she is the most beautiful bride I have ever seen…… I smiled looking at her with love, adoration and pride that she is mine….. We stood there in altar I saw her still wearing the wedding chain and sindoor which made me so happy….. After saying our vows I kissed her with so much love finally she is mine forever I thought happily……. When we entered our reception I saw it was decorated beautiful in those lights she looked nothing more than an angel, my angel…… after our first dance as couple I saw her dancing with her father and brother…… looking at her I felt so complete and happy….. Treasure her son I heard dad say…. I will dad I said smiling at him who looked at me happily…. I am going to have dance with my beautiful daughter dad said walking towards shiv….. This old man likes to irritate me so much I shook my head…..

I cut the call and looked at the table where I left her.....what the fuck where is she I saw Sebastian and asked him when he pointed on the dance floor…. I saw her dancing with Vladimir that bastard went towards her grabbed her from Vladimir….. I lifted her in my arms she looked at me surprised…. I took her to the chopper I already have an surprise planned for her….. Where are we going Dimitri??? she asked me surprised….. You will know soon agapi mou i said grinning….. It was an short ride I came out of the chopper and lifted her again…. She grasped seeing the place stunned I took her to the new island I brought for her….. Where are we Dimitri??? she asked me looking curiously…… we are on our island agapi mou I said carrying her towards the two store building……

Shiv Pov

I grasped seeing the house it was beautifully decorated with roses and candles….. Dimitri carried me to some room when he opened the door I saw the whole room was decorated with flowers and candle then I realised today is our first night…. I blushed looking at the huge King size bed filled with flowers… I heard Dimitri chuckle shy??? agapi mou he asked me I turned red….. I take it you liked my surprise he asked me grinning…. You planned all this??? I asked him…. Yes I want our first night to be special he said smirking…. Here go and get fresh he said handing me an bag…. I took the bag and went to the washroom I tried to open my dress but damn it had buttons in the back…. Sighing I came out I saw Dimitri standing near the balcony….. Dimitri I said softly he turned towards me looked at me questioningly….. Can you help me to undo this buttons I said nervously…… he came and stood behind me pushed my hair to one side……. I felt him kiss my shoulder softly fuck I moaned…. He slowly traced my back kissing every spot….

Dimitri I moaned his name… yes agapi mou he said Biting my earlobe softly fuck I moaned and felt shiver ran through my body….. He continued to place wet kisses on my neck and back while I moaned…. Suddenly I felt the loss of heat I realised he moved away I turned back saw him smirking while I turned red…. I ran away to the bathroom breathing heavily I looked so flushed in red in front of the mirror….. Damn him and his kisses I opened the bag shocked to see an wine Red lacy baby doll with an note….. What the fuck I opened the note read it have an wonderful night by Amy….. Damn you Amy I going to kill you for sure…. I changed my dress into the baby doll and looked at the mirror grasped….. Damn I could see most of breast in the deep cleavage neck and its was also see through….. I stood there hesitantly whether to go out like this or not….. Taking an deep breathe I opened the door and walked into the bedroom I saw Dimitri standing there shirtless in his back to me…..

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