Chapter 17

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Sitting herself in the balcony thought to be productive even on Sunday. She sat between papers scattered around her. Her hair messy, her mouth frowned not able to figure what to sketch.

Twirling the pencil in her hand many times in the air finally she decided what to sketch.

She began to sketch with full focus not acknowledging when Neil comes in the balcony and stares her with a smile playing on his lips.

He stood there and watched her cute antics she made while sketching. His heart starts pounding.

He moves closer and took a glimpse what she was doing but unfortunately her whole face blocked the view. 

He then thought of something. He went downstairs and headed to kitchen.

He saw the maid cooking. The maid noticing him looks up.

Maid : what can I get you sir?

Neil : how long will it take you to finish it up?

Maid : its almost done! Do you want to make me something else?

Neil : no! Once you finish making these then you may have half a day. I will arrange about the lunch.

The maid nodded and quickly finished cooking the food and bidding bye to Neil left the mansion.

Neil getting comfortable in kitchen took two cup out and starts preparing coffee for themselves.

He felt satisfied seeing the coffee he made. He took the two coffee and headed back to Avni's room balcony.

He placed the cup down and clears his throat gaining Avni's attention who was still engaged sketching.

She startled and glanced up looking at Neil worriedly.

Neil smiles and sat beside her on the couch making her frown wondering why is he here?

Avni : what are you doing here? You were supposed to be in study room.

Neil : why can't I be here Avni? Forget this. I made coffee for us! Taste it and tell me how is it?

Avni glanced at the cup of coffee then looks at Neil. She  released a breath taking the cup and took a sip.

She was impressed how good his coffee tasted.

Neil : how is it?

Avni : it's good! I like it. Thank you!

Neil smiles and drank his coffee. They drank the coffee in silence.

Neil kept the cup and glanced at her sketch.

Neil : what are you sketching?

Avni : random stuff! I am not good at it but I still do whenever I am bored or to pass my time.

Neil chuckles picking up the paper and sighs seeing how bluntly she lied to him.

Neil : are you serious? This is out of boredom. I can't believe it you saying this. This sketch is absolutely gorgeous. Why don't you open art gallery?

Avni: what are you even saying? You don't have to lie. There is much better than my sketch. You are just praising me to make me happy but you don't have to.

Neil shook his head and kept the sketch down.

Neil : I am not lying to make you happy. But do consider what I said. Its big opportunity to you Avni. Don't ignore it that will make you regret later.

Avni : I don't know. Maybe I will consider later but right now I want to focus working in your company.

Neil: what are you plans for tonight? Will you sitting and sketching or go out?

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