9. Dusk till Dawn

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A/n: Here's the next chapter. There is also a glimpse of the "accident". Hope you all enjoy it. Vote, comment, and share.

Lots of hugs,


"Isn't this cosy, Zoey Marie Hart!"

I groaned at the sound of her voice. Way to ruin a moment, Izz. I was about to turn towards her when Nate's grip on my waist tightened.

"And where do you think you're going?" He breathed out in a husky voice. Woah, baby. His voice sent a tingling feeling down my spine. His eyes held the same intensity that I had witnessed every single time he was with me. The look he gave me, made me weak to my knees. At that moment, I forgot about the rest of the world. At that moment, it was just him and I, Nate and Zoey, and nothing else mattered.

"Wait, I thought her middle name was Penelope," Lily questioned curiously.

"Nah, it's Madeline, after her grandmother. But the old hag hates me, so I keep changing Zoe's middle name, to piss her off," Izzie replied proudly.

"And you wonder why she hates you," I retorted back, now turning my attention to her. Truth be told, I didn't want to associate myself with her either. She is one of those uptight, bitter people, who doesn't really need a reason to hate anyone. The fact that Izzie is outspoken, rebels a lot, and behaves in an "un-ladylike" manner, just made the old bat dislike her more.

"Look who finally gave us her attention," Izz teased, with a smirk on her face, all traces of anger gone.

"Can someone just tell me why Nate is shirtless?" Eli questioned.

Was the whole group here? I shifted my weight to my other leg, having forgotten all about it, until a minute ago. Sensing my discomfort, Nate picked me up like before and walked into my room. I could feel all eyes on us, and I rested my cheek on his neck, trying to hide the way my flaming cheeks react to his every touch.

"Move", he demanded, causing Oli to jump from my bed. That controlling attitude was turning me on. I always liked a guy who could take charge. He placed me on the bed and sat beside me, refusing to let go of my hand.

"What happened Zo?" Izzie kneeled in front of me and asked in a soft voice, worry evident in her eyes. I noticed everyone looking at me with the same expression, wanting to know exactly what had happened.

"It's not a big deal, really guys. Don't worry."

"Your leg is bleeding through the shirt, Zoey. It is a big deal," Zach spoke in a calm voice, afraid that he'll say something wrong,

"My stitches broke," I mumbled, suddenly feeling ashamed and conscious. Nate gripped my hand tighter as if silently reading my thoughts.

"She slipped on the footpath and fell," Nate answered, his eyes never leaving mine. I shot him a grateful smile and turned to look at everyone else.

"First thing tomorrow morning, we are gonna go to the doctors. And let's get you cleaned up so that the wound doesn't get infected," Izzie instructed.

"I will-"

"I can take her," Oli said enthusiastically, beating Nate to it. "We share the same classes, and both of us have the morning off. Don't worry, I'll keep my hands off her," he said with a teasing smile that was directed at Nate.

"We should go, it's getting late, and most of us have morning classes tomorrow. See you girls, during lunch," Chace announced, kissing Lily goodnight, and giving both me and Izzie a hug.

Eli gave me a big hug, almost like that of a grizzly bear, and Oli did the same. Zach gave Izzie a peck on the cheek, while she blushed like crazy. I grinned at the sight. My best friend's falling for someone. She deserves to be happy. I sigh and rest my head on Nate's shirtless shoulder.

"Don't go," I mumbled, stifling a yawn.

He kissed me on my forehead and turned towards me.

"Do you have plans on Saturday, after class?" he questioned. I saw a flick of nervousness in his eyes, that he managed to cover up quickly.

"Not that I know of," I replied, now feeling fully awake. Looking at my enthusiasm, he gave me a small laugh and tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Now you do. I'm taking you out," he said cockily.

"Like a date?" I questioned, a bit too eagerly. I immediately winced at how cringy that sounded.

"You're are too cute. Ya, exactly like a date," he chuckled.

"Glad I amuse you," I grumbled.

"Let's go lover boys. Now" Oli demanded, pulling Zach and Nate.

I let out a bark of laughter and Lily joined in, sitting beside me. Nate suddenly returned to the room and gave me a boyish grin.

"I forgot something,"

Before I could ask him, he gave me a long kiss, before running back. This boy is going to be the death of me.

"Don't" I told the girls, seeing the teasing smile on their faces.

We spent some time talking before Lily went to her room which was one floor above ours. That night, I drifted off with a smile on my face, praying that I get a peaceful sleep.

If only.

He was driving at an unnaturally fast speed. Faster than usual. I knew how angry he was, seeing his knuckles turn white. I gripped onto his shoulder and tried to tell him to stop. He couldn't hear me over the sound of the wind. He didn't want to hear me. Tears were streaming down my face, and all I wanted to do was stop.


"SHUT UP ZOEY!" he shouted over the sound.

He briefly turned behind, and I saw it. His eyes, which used to look at me so lovingly, now had hatred in them. As I opened my mouth to say something, a white light blinded us, and he lost control of the bike.

"TYLER!" I wanted to scream, but I couldn't get the words out.

I was in pain, I was woozy, I was scared, I just wanted to go home.

A sudden shake on my shoulder woke me up instantly.

"It's not real. It was just a nightmare. You are safe. I'm right here," Izze's soothing voice said, trying to calm me.

"Izzie...he was...I was..t-the accident," I choked out, barely able to control my crying.

"You're not there, babe. You're here, with me. It's not real." she replied, brushing my hair.

"Izzie, what if he finds me?" I asked, feeling anxiety hitting me. My hands were turning clammy, and I was starting to sweat.

"No, don't go there. He won't find you. I won't let h-him," I could hear her voice breaking at the end.

I sighed and hugged her close to me. She hugged me tight, almost afraid that I'll disappear if she let go of me.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away"

She sang to me the lullaby that my mom used to sing to me. It slowly calmed me, and I drifted off to sleep, for the second time that night...

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