19. Count on me

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The rest of the week, I avoided everyone else like plague. I spent most of the time covering shifts in the library, apart from going to classes. It was difficult, but I didn't want to put anyone in the position to choose between me and Nate. He was their best friend first, and he needed them more. Meanwhile, I had gotten close to Juniper, who's grandfather owned the library. She used to work the same shifts as mine, so it was fun for both of us.

June was like a pixie - overly energetic, always cheerful, and a total badass. She never hesitated to tell people off, and that was what drew me to her in the first place.

"Do, marry, have an affair with?" June asked, sitting on the table and swinging her legs.

"Do- Henry Cavill, Marry- Matthew McConaughey, and have an affair with, that's a difficult one, but probably Chris Evans," I replied, stacking the books neatly.

"Every year for my birthday, all I wish for is a Chris. Evans, Pine, Hemsworth, anyone would do."

I couldn't help but laugh. This girl always manages to lift my mood. My phone beeped, distracting me from the conversation.

We're doing a girls' night today. You, me, Lily and invite June, too. Don't try to escape from it. -Izzie

I sigh and turn to June.

"So, do you wanna come over to my place? The girls are having a sleepover, and we would love for you to join," I ask her, finishing up with my work.

"Sure. I'm not busy," she replied with a nervous smile.

We closed up and walked towards my dorm.

"Hey, don't be nervous. They are good people," I reassure June, as I knock on the door.

Izzie was on the bed, selecting movies, and I could see all sorts of junk food everywhere. I can't have this for dinner.

"Pizza is on its way," Lily told me, answering my silent question.

I forced a smile on my face and nodded at her and tucked myself into the bed, with Izzie on one side, and June on the other.

"Guys, this is Juniper. June, Lily, and Izzie," I snuggled closer into my blankets, introducing everyone.

We decided on having a Nicholas Sparks movie marathon, and started with Safe Haven, keeping a Walk to Remember for the last.

"Why did she have to die? WHY??!" Izzie sobbed into my shoulder, which was the state of everyone here.

"Pizza's here," a knock interrupted us, which June went to receive.

"You guys are coming to the game tomorrow night, right?" Lily asked, eating a slice of her pizza. We were all seated on the floor, in a circle, stuffing our faces with pizza and chips.

My eyes widened at the mention of the game. It was the final game of the season, Nate had told me that before when he gave me his jersey to wear. I forgot all about it. Izzie seemed to sense my discomfort and crawled next to me.

"Before you say no, we have all missed you like crazy. I miss hanging out with my best friend. And besides, it will be dark and he won't even see you. It will be a good change, and you desperately need it," Izzie spoke, laying her head on my shoulder, and Lily nodded, agreeing to what was said, while June pulled her puppy dog eyes on me.

I sighed, ran my hands through my hair, before reconsidering.

"Fine, I'll go. I need to get out." All three girls cheered and piled up on top of me in the name of a hug.

After we were done eating and cleaning up, Lily walked close to me when the others were out of hearing distance.

"Hey, what's up?" Noticing her tensed state, I ask her.

"Zoe...I. Look, I know that you had your reasons for breaking up with Nate, and though I may not know or agree with it, it is none of my business. What I am trying to say is, what happened between you both is not something I'm getting in the middle of. So, you and I are still good friends, and I hope this fall out with my brother doesn't change it. So maybe you'll stop avoiding me now?" she asked, gauging my expression on how I was going to react.

I smiled and pulled her into a hug. I could feel her getting visibly relaxed.

"Don't worry about it, Lil. It was never my intention to avoid any of you or break his heart. But, I think the circumstance demanded it from me." I try to answer as honestly as I can.


"Damian, get off me. Please," a voice pleaded. I was shocked to hear it come out of my mouth.

He was on top of me and holding himself up with a sinister smile on his face.

"Cupcake, don't try to fight it. We have to be together," he smirked back.

"Damian, don't. PLEASE!"

"ZOE! Wake up!"

My eyes shot open as I woke up clutching my throat. Tears were streaming down my face, and I was in the middle of a coughing fit. I must have looked as bad as I felt because all the three girls were looking at me sympathetically.

"It's just a dream. You're safe," Izzie's soothing voice told me.

She hugged me tight and didn't let go even when I fell asleep.

The next morning, I decided to wake up early and go for a run, trying to forget the events of last night. By the time I was back, all three of them had left. Lucky for me, I didn't have classes today. I got a text from Eli and Oli, asking me to join them for brunch. I agreed, seeing as I didn't have anything better to do.

I stepped foot inside 'The Vinyl' after almost 2 months. It felt like yesterday that I met them all here for the very first time. When I realized that I liked Nate.

"Over here, Zoey," Eli's voice broke me out of my trance.

Shaking my head, trying to clear all thoughts of Nate, I walked towards them with a smile plastered on my face.

"Hey guys," I chirped in an unusually high pitch.

"Yikes. That was the fakest greeting I've ever heard," Eli winced as he hugged me.

"How've you been, baby girl?" Oli asked, passing me the menu card.

"If I say good, would you believe me?" I asked half-joking, and half honest.

"Nah," both of them replied at the same time, causing all three of us to break out into laughter.

"Hi, what will you guys have?" The waitress asked us.

"I'll have the brunch special," I told her, going through the menu.

"I'll have the same," Oli replied.

"Ya, same," Eli said, handing her our menu cards.

"So, how are Maya and Sara?" I asked the boys.

"Thanks," Eli took our meals and placed it in front of us. "They're good. We're not seeing them, though."

"Why? I thought you guys hit it off," I suddenly felt guilty about not checking up with them about this.

"Well, Oli here just wants to have fun. And as for me, well, I fell in love once, and we all know how well that turned out," he said with a bitter smile on his face.

"So, the game. You're going to be there, right?" Oli asked, smoothly changing the conversation.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," I gave him a tight-lipped smile.

They walked me to my dorm, which was on their way to practice.

"Hey, Zoe. You promised me that you wouldn't give up on him. So why did you?" Eli asked me as I was outside my door.

"Because this is life. It sucks. Promises and hearts are meant to be broken."

Bet my Life (EDITING!!) #BOOK1Where stories live. Discover now