35. Make you mine

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"'Tis the season to be jolly,


I sang on the top of my voice, waking up everyone bunking in my room. Currently, my house is packed with 2 more families, plus my friends. My dad's brother and his family couldn't make it because of a snowstorm in Canada, all flights were cancelled. So it was my mom's two sisters, Andrea and Addison, their husbands Paul and Charlie. Andrea and Paul had two kids - Hannah and Allison, and Addy and Charlie had one son - Shawn. Jay and Layla, who is now 4 months pregnant, were on the ground floor, next to my parent's room. My grandparents, like my uncle, couldn't make it.

Among us cousins, the age order goes like this -Jay is the oldest, followed by me, then Han, who is 18, Shawn, who is 17, Carter, 16, and Ali, who is 14.

It was Christmas Day, and my room was now shared by me, Izzie, Han, Ali, Carter and Shawn. The other room had all my friends there. Traditions.

Now, I was in the middle of my Alaska king-sized bed. Izzie's foot was lying next to me, on my right, and Ali and Carter were cuddled with me on my left. Ali was almost on top of me, not that I minded. That girl barely weighed anything. Carter was holding onto me, while Shawn was lying where our feet were. Han was sprawled on the floor after, what I can only assume, Izzie pushed her down in her sleep.

Focusing back on the present, it was currently 7 am, and I was jumping up and down on the bed, waking everyone up.

"If you don't shut up, I will punch you in the throat," Izzie's angry voice spoke.

Not paying heed to it, I resumed,

"Joy to the world, the Lord is come

Let earth receive her King

Let every heart prepare Him room

And Heaven and nature sing

And Heaven and nature sing

And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing"

By the time I was done, everyone was grumpily up, knowing that their threats won't work on me. I make the threats around here, people. Muahahaha.

"And now, for my encore,

Feliz Navidad

Feliz Navidad

Feliz Navidad

Prospero año y felicidad

I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas

I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas

I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas

From the bottom of my heart"

I heard a string of applause, which resulted in me doing a courtesy and bowing down, on top of my bed. The appreciators of my art were none other than my boyfriend, Olie, my parents, and my aunts and uncles. The people I woke up were sporting a very annoyed look on their faces.

"Where is the Christmas Spirit, guys?" I tutted them, furrowing my brows in disapproval, with a hand on my hip.

"Up your-"


"Carter! Language."

Mom scolds, while I complain, interrupting Carter's foul language.

"What a potty mouth this guys has got. Should have washed his mouth with soap when you had the chance," I inform my dad in a disappointed tone, making my way towards the tree.

Wishing everyone can wait, but gifts can't.

Mine, mine, mine, ooh, that's Carter's, but it's huge, so I'll take it, and that's mine too.

Bet my Life (EDITING!!) #BOOK1Where stories live. Discover now