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"Cara Mia,

I am pretty sure you took a long time to read this letter, can't say I blame you. How are doing? Miss me? If you are reading this letter, then it must mean that I am dead. So this is my attempt to redeem myself for the shit I put you through.

Zoey Hart, from the second, I met you, I knew that I would ruin you. You were so beautiful, so innocent, so pure, so honest. Even though I knew I was wrong for you, and that you deserved better, my selfish heart couldn't let you go. I tried, but every time I pushed you away, you came to me with twice the force. Guess you had a thing for seeing good even in the damaged, huh?

I can't even begin to apologize for all the shit I put you through. I convinced myself that you were just looking for the thrill of dating a bad boy and that your feelings weren't real and neither were mine. But I guess I fell too far down the rabbit hole. When I saw Damian on top of you, something inside me broke. My sweet, innocent angel was getting hurt by the person I considered to be my brother.

But somehow, despite everything, you didn't give up on me. Even after it landed you in the hospital. It broke me, Cara Mia, seeing you there, almost dead. I knew, then and there, that even if it killed me, I had to stay away from you. And that was exactly what I did. But when I found out about what Damian was planning, I couldn't leave you alone. So, breaking my promise, I came back.

I don't regret taking a bullet for you, Zoey Hart. Never. Even if I had to do it over, I would do exactly that. No regrets. I just have one small request. In case I don't make it, take care of mom and sister.

I need you to promise me something, though. Promise me that you will never close your heart to the opportunity of love. I can see how much you love Nathan. He is crazy about you, too. I can tell, because that's the way you used to look at me. Don't feel guilty about moving on. Never. Don't push him or the next guy away. You deserve to be loved. You deserve the world, the moon, the stars and everything else. Don't ever settle for less.

Stay happy, Zoey Hart. Live your life for yourself. Make me proud, Cara Mia.

I will always love you,

Tyler Hinley."

2 years later......

I re-read the letter Tyler wrote to me. It reminded me of a different Zoey. The girl I used to be. Brave, so full of life, happy, doing something with her life. The girl who was so in love.

I was sitting in my cubicle, staring at the piece in front of me. I got an internship as a journalist for a renowned magazine straight out of college, thanks to Mr Halden. Once my tenure ended, they offered to give me a full-time job and I have been busting my ass since then. It goes without saying, but my life was a mess at this point. I was working 24 hours a day and yet my life was going nowhere. Even the pay wasn't that great. And as for my family, at this point, I am not even sure if I have one.

My phone rang at that exact moment and I peeked to find Mr Halden on the line. I know what he was calling about. Throwing a half glance at the manuscript that had made its home in my junk drawer, I focused on editing my work that I was yet to turn in.

"Boyfriend troubles?" quipped Sawyer, my co-worker/ friend, looking at my phone, leaning on my desk.

"Nah, it's just my professor. What's up?" I removed my glasses feeling a headache settling in. I really should get my power checked.

"Bitch-dusa is looking for ya," she said with annoyance evident on her face. Sighing, I rubbed my face with my hands and all but banged my head against my desk. She rubbed soothing circles on my back and stared at me with pity.

Bet my Life (EDITING!!) #BOOK1Where stories live. Discover now