28. Love me like you do

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A/n: Hey guys. The new update is here. Hope you all like this chapter. More Zoey-Nate time that we have all been waiting for. Vote, comment, and share.

Lots of hugs,


"What's going on, Nate? What's all this?" I asked, motioning to the breathtaking view in front of me.

"So impatient. Come," he smirked at the innuendo, leading me to the table.

I rolled my eyes at him, but even that didn't stop the butterflies inside my stomach. He pulled out my chair and kissed me on the cheek as I sat down. He sat across from me and lit the candle in front of us with his lighter.

"May I?" He asked as he poured some red wine in my glass. He uncovered the plates in front of us, to reveal our dinner -Pasta, garlic bread, and fries. All my favorites.

"Why are we here, Nate?" I asked, after debating for a few minutes.

"Because that's what people who are in love do," he said, as a matter of fact, sipping on his wine.

I gasped loudly. No, he couldn't have.

"Nathan. We broke up. That means that we can't do this. Especially because..." I trailed off, unsure of how to proceed.

"Especially because of what, sweetheart?" He asked, his smirk not shifting from his face.

"Coral," I whispered, failing to hide the bitter feeling that passed through me.

"What am I going to do with you?" He just said, laughing and completely disregarding what I had said.

"Nate," I warned.

"Zoey," he retorted.

I sighed, deciding to drop it for now. Umm, the food was delicious. I moaned softly at the taste.

"Good, huh? I have a confession to make. Eli helped me with the food, while Izzie and Lily helped me with setting up the place. More like Izzie dictated while the guys and I did the manual work. It is worth it, though." He grinned, his eyes not leaving my face.

I blushed, and nodded, drowning myself in the delicious food. Once we were done, I helped Nate pack up everything and put it inside a picnic basket. He removed his shoes and sat down at the edge of the pier, his feet touching the water.

He caught my hand with his and laced our fingers together. Somehow, we just fit. It was like I was home.

"We have to talk, you know that, right?" I said in a low voice, not wanting to ruin the whole vibe.

"I know," he sighed, before nodding.

"Coral. I just pretended to dated her to make you jealous. There was never anything, but I was hurt, badly. It was a dick move. I mean I get why you did it, but my heart was crushed and at the time, I just didn't want to understand. So, I acted at a moment of weakness. When I saw you with Oli at the game, I lost my shit. And that's why I introduced Coral as my girlfriend. To get some reaction out of you. Then I was a jerk to you at the party. And the things I said to you. I hate myself for it, Zo. Fuck!" He was shaking uncontrollably, his voice cracking at the end.

"Nate. I-"

"You don't get it, Zoe! I am to blame for what had happened. If I wouldn't have said those things to you, and if I wouldn't have left you alone, none of this would have happened. It was all my fault," he whispered the last part, and I saw tears fall from his eyes.

"What is it with all of you blaming yourself? Huh?! None of you knew what was going to happen. I pushed you all away. It was the only way to keep you all safe, and I don't regret doing it. If I had to do it all over again, I would do it in a heartbeat," I reply, almost shouting.

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