37. Bet my life

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The twins' lived 3 houses away, which was a great thing, considering how tense the situation currently was. Zach and Chace were tense, while Izzie and Lily were trying to control their anger. As for me, I didn't feel anything. I was pretty sure that he had a reason for this. Nate wouldn't just stand me up. I checked my phone every two minutes, hoping for any message from him.

When we reached their house, I quickly excused myself, to try and find him. I didn't want to deal with their pity stares. It would ruin their evening, and I didn't want that. After searching for an hour and dodging everyone, I found my way to the bar. I bitterly stared at my almost empty champagne glass in front of me.

"Hey, doll face." I raised my face to see an older guy staring at me with lust in his eyes.

"Nope. I'm young enough to be your daughter, so piss off," I said in an annoyed voice, turning my attention back to my glass.

"Get lost," Oli's voice got rid of the creep.

I barely acknowledged him as he sat next to me.

"Two vodka shots, please," he called to the bartender.

He took both of them before I could even reach it. I shot him an irritated look, that he returned with a laugh. "This is for me. You're upset, and you already had 2 glasses. Drinking when you're upset is a recipe for disaster," he laughed, growing both the shots.

I scoffed and turned my attention back to my glass. Oli put his arm around me leaning his head on my shoulder.

"Can I talk to my girlfriend?" An angry voice, spoke from behind us, causing Oli to laugh loudly. The same angry voice that was the reason behind my pity party. The same voice that had me second-guessing myself.

"About time," Oli muttered and walked away from me, giving me a wink.

I got up to face the culprit, stumbling slightly, feeling the effects of alcohol hit me. His hands steadied me, which I shrugged off.

"Not here," I said in a harsh tone, walking inside a closed room.

As I was walking, I could see my friends standing with a concerned look on their face. Zach was holding Izzie back, and for that I was grateful. I opened the door and sat on the bed in silence, waiting for him to say something.

Nate kneeled in front of me, and I took in his appearance. He was still in the same clothes as this morning, his hair more messed up, and eyes bloodshot.

"Where were you, Nate?" I asked, controlling my anger when he didn't say anything for more than 10 minutes.

His eyes left mine and he looked like he would just start crying. Unable to see him like that, I placed a hand on his shoulder. That was all it took for him to breakdown. He laid his face on my lap and started crying, his whole body shaking badly. I slipped down so that I was also kneeling like him and pulled him in a hug, letting him cry.

After a few seconds, he calmed down and sat beside me.

"I met him today, Zoey. I met him today. He had been calling me for the last 2 months, but I ended up blocking him. But today, I got a call from an unknown number. I wasn't expecting it to be him. When I picked up, I heard his pleading voice, and immediately hung up, but couldn't stop thinking about it. Once we reached, he sent me a text, in which he begged to meet with me once. He told me that either I come and meet him, or he comes home. I couldn't do that to mom and Theo. So I went to meet him, to give him a piece of my mind," he suddenly stopped, getting more upset.

I squeezed his hand in comfort, hoping to ease some of his pain, still unsure of who he was talking about. He leaned his head back on the bed and closed his eyes.

"I saw him. He looked just how I remember him. He looked just like the father who raised me. The one who was supposed to love me and mom, and not break us. I wanted to ask him so many things, I wanted to shout at him, I wanted to cry and yell, but I couldn't do any of that. He's still an asshole. He only wanted to meet me because he wants me to follow in his footsteps. No answers, no emotions. It was like a fucking business deal. Why did he leave us? What happened to him?

The vulnerability in his voice hurt me. I rubbed his shoulder soothingly, and said, "You're not broken, Nate. Not at all. Jenny did a great job of ensuring that. She made you into this wonderful, amazing guy. The one I am so proud of. You have a kind heart, you love everyone, and would never hurt anyone intentionally. You're honest, you're brave, and all that doesn't even cover what I love about you. The decision is yours, but I know what you'll choose. I know the guy you are. You are not him. You will never be him."

He nodded and turned my face toward him.

"I love you so much, Zoey. So much," his voice broke as a fresh set of tears clouded his eyes.

"Je suis Lamoureux de toi," I whispered in broken French that I had learnt from Jenny.

"How did you-"

"Jenny," I laugh and kiss him.

"I'm sorry, baby. I'm so sorry for ditching you today," he said, still upset.

"It's okay, Nate. I understand. But now, we need to be there for our friends. Get ready, and meet me outside," I smile, getting up and giving him a hand.

"I'll borrow Oli's suit. And I'm pretty sure I have to beg Izzie for an apology too," he joked, traces of pain still evident in his eyes.

"I'll take care of that," I inform him and open the door. As I expected, all my idiot friends were right outside.

"Is he okay?" Zach asked, his face covered with worry. The others all mirrored his expression. I smiled at him and shook my head, "No, but he will be. Oli, could you lend him a suit?" I turn my attention to Oliver.

He nods his head and enters the room. Izzie was still looking at me without saying a word. I stood beside her and nudged her slightly.

"Is the reason good enough?" She quietly asked.

"He's been through hell. I understand why he did it," I said, trying to convince her. She was my person. It mattered to me whether she liked him or not.

"Then it's good enough for me." She kissed my forehead as both of us sat against the wall.

"We've come a long way, haven't we?" I spoke, resting my head on her shoulder.

"And despite everything, we never let go of each other." She wrapped her arms around me.

"Always and forever," I said, my voice barely a whisper.

"Always and forever." She repeated.

"Would you ladies care for a dance?" Nate and Zach stood in front of us, looking dashing as ever. Nate looked super hot in the suit.

Before I could answer him, Izzie stood in front of him. "Today, you made her cry. Today, I saw the damage you could do to her. This is your first and final warning. If you ever hurt her again, I promise you, Nate, I will hunt you down and hurt you."

Nate gave her a sad smile and spoke, "Never again, Izzie. I promise you. I love this girl almost as much as you do."

"Impossible. You can be a close second," she laughed, kissed me on the cheek and walked with Zach.

I took Nate's extended hand as we made our way to the dance floor. I leaned my head against his shoulder as we swayed to a slow song.

"What are you doing to me, Zoey Hart?" He asked, holding my hand against his chest, that was beating rapidly.

"The same thing you're doing to me, Nathan Walker," I respond, my eyes wheeling up with happy tears. I was home, at last. His arms just felt perfect.

"What are you thinking about?" He questioned, lifting my chin up, almost connecting our lips.

"About how perfectly content I am in your arms. This is my safe space."

"I will marry you someday, Zoey Hart. I promise you that," he said, spinning me around and dipping me.

I let out a happy laugh and nodded my head. "Can't wait for that day."

He finally filled the gap between our lips and whispered against it, "Even when things get rough, I promise to never run. You are my forever, sweetheart, and I bet my life on you."

Bet my Life (EDITING!!) #BOOK1Where stories live. Discover now