42- Guilt

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Third POV

-at hotel-

Anger is only one of the emotions Angel Dust is feeling. He's mad at (Y/N) for trying to do everything herself, but more importantly he's mad at Alastor. He'd beat the living shit out of Alastor if it weren't for the fact that Al could end his life with the flick of a wrist.

Angel went immediately to (Y/N)'s house when she disappeared. He hoped and prayed she'd be there but his knocks fell on a silent house. He contemplated breaking in but his gut was telling him she's not there.

Sighing in defeat Angel turns from the front door and makes his way back to the hotel.

-time skip-

Charlie and Vaggie are sitting in the lobby when Angel enters the hotel. Husk is at the bar, drunk as always. Angel sits on the couch and runs a hand through his hair.

"She's not at her house." He says.

"Do we have any idea where else she could have gone?" Charlie asks.

Angel shakes his head. Anger bubbles again in Angel. He turns and punches the pillow next to him.

"I never should have told that bastard where she was!" He shouts. Angel takes a deep breath and places his head in his hands.

Charlie places a hand on his back trying to comfort the arachnid. "She's strong. She's probably healing and waiting for a good time to come back."

"She's probably dead. And it's my fault." a shaky sob escapes Angel's mouth.

"It's not your fault Angel." Charlie reassures.

"You're right it's not my fault, it's that bastard radio's fault." Angel clenches his fist.

Just as the words leave Angel's mouth the front door to the hotel opens and in walks Alastor. Blood soaks his coat, clearly not his own. That same never ending smile on him face.

Angel jumps up and points at Alastor. Anger overflowing within him. "You motherfucker!"

Angel whips out his guns and aims them at Alastor. "You fucking bastard! How can you stand there with that smile while she's out there DYING! She LOVED you, you heartless bastard!"

"My dear Angel put those away before you make a mistake." Alastor responds threateningly, his eyes turning to radio dials. "Besides it was an act anyway, nothing she said was the truth. She's a liar."

"A LIAR?! (Y/N) is my best friend and never have I seen her look at anyone the way she looked at you. (Y/N) is many things but a liar is not one of them, especially when it comes to her heart. She didn't tell you who she was because she was scared!" Angel shouts, his grip on the trigger tightening. "You're an oblivious asshat if you couldn't tell her feelings were real!"

Alastor pauses, not actually sure what to say. Finally he speaks. "Do you have any proof of this so called love you think she felt?"

Angel stands there dumb founded at first. "What more proof do you need your battle with her was one sided! She was only ever defending herself! You think she wanted to fight you?"

"She clearly wanted to if she was brave enough to attack my territory." Alastor responds.

Angel growls in frustration and lowers his gun. "That wasn't her! She had no part in any of those attacks!"

Alastor cocks his head to the side, clearly unconvinced.

"You want proof you fucking strawberry! Follow me!" Angel shouts as he stomps his way towards (Y/N)'s old room. Angel opens the door and strides into the room with Alastor hot on his heels.

He reaches the desk and opens the draw, pulling out the notebook (Y/N) wrote all her guesses and theories in. He shoves it in Alastor's hands.

"How's this for your fucking proof!"

Alastor flips through the pages reading some and skimming others. While he reads through the notebook, he also recalls her always being jumpy and anxious when ever a new attack was reported. How she'd always jump at the first chance she got to ask him if he'd caught the attacker yet. Her actions aren't those of a skilled attacker.

Something starts settling in Alastor's gut, something he's never felt before, guilt.

He closes the book slowly and places it on the desk. "This make prove her innocence to the attacks but you still have no proof of her true feelings."

Angel just wants to deck Alastor in the face right now, but instead he pulls the note from (Y/N) out of his pocket and hands it to Alastor. Angel turns away while Alastor unfolds and reads the note. Something on the ground catches Angel's eye.

A crumpled piece of paper sitting on the ground next to the trash bin. Angel leans down and picks up the ball of paper and flattens it out.

It's a letter to Alastor. One that she clearly wanted to send but had second thoughts. The letter explains why she left and that she loves Al.

Angel throws the letter in Alastor's hands.

"What is this?" He asks.

"It was for you. I guess she never sent it." Angel responds, crossing one pair of arms and placing the other on his hips.

The feeling of guilt grows as he reads the letter. He has never felt more guilty over anything than what he feels right now.

During the fight she asked him to listen but he was blinded by rage. He said things and did things, unforgivable things. He wants to apologize, he needs to apologize.

Alastor's ears droop as he finishes the unsent letter. A small sad smile sets on his face. His eyes shine with regret and sadness.

"We need to find her."

Angel looks up, startled but skeptical. "You're not gonna hurt her are you?"

"I have made a huge mistake. We need to find her." Alastor says as he summons his shadows to look for (Y/N). He quickly turns and exits the room.

He whispers to himself once he's in the hall. "I am sorry (Y/N). I will make it right."

Date- 9-4-2020
Words- 1019

Another chapter closer to the end! Also thank you for 15k reads I honestly can't believe it! Sorry this update is a little late, been real busy getting back into the swing of school. I've also been watching Umbrella Academy so that's taken up some of my time. I will get y'all another chapter this weekend I promise.


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