Italian Mafia?

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Chapter 7


"Sage Marino" He said walking closer to where I was standing. He pulled me into a hug, I felt the need to pull out of his grip but immediately hug him back when I saw my mom glaring at me with her 'be nice or you'll regret it' face.

I hugged him back. He pulled away to look me up and down like he was trying examine his prize.

"You gotten so big since the last time I saw you" he said smirking flashing his white teeth.

"Hope why don't you go fix's the table" My mom said glaring at me giving me a 'don't you dare say a word look' I hate eating with her.

No offense but my mom can be a little embarrassing sometimes. I get its in their nature to embarrass us, but come on who tell their English teacher about the first time their daughter got their Period.

My Mother. Yap she did, I was mad at her for weeks. Lucky thing she was out drinking the entire week.

Lets just say Mr. Ron isn't gonna be coming over any time soon. Anyways back to reality as of right now I'm fixing the table, while my mom is laughing her ass off in the kitchen with Sage who might I add I don't like.

I would always catch him watching me when my mom isn't looking at him. He watches me too much its like if he doesn't watch me I was gonna disappear into thin air.

The only good thing about this dinner is that my mom made spaghetti and meat balls which is my favorite. Aside from Mash Potato I love it.

When I was finish setting the table my mom and Sage came in placing the food on the table. I was seated on my moms right hand side while Sage was seated on her left.

I close my eyes for a second to say a little prayer in my mind since my mom doesn't know what 'giving thanks to the lord means'.

"So how's school Hope" My mom suddenly asked out of no where. Did hell just froze or am I imagining things.

Did she just asked me a question?!

Am I dead or is she finally smoking pot?!

I'm calling it bluff she's only being nice to me because her so call 'friend' is around.

"Schools great" I simply said with my mouth full. My mom just nodded her head while Sage just smirk.

Someone please tell him to stop, it doesn't fit him it makes him look creepy.

"So how do you two know each other" I asked looking at the two of them. My mom choked on her meat balls like literally choke, while Mr. Sage on the other hand looked nervous to even answer my question.

"We meet at a..... " my mom said pausing for a second to look at Sage who had a 'How the fuck was I supposed to know' type of look on his face.

"Bar. We meet at a bar" he said glancing at my mom every second who nodded her head. I can tell they were lying but just shrugged it off.

Don't worry I'll find out later

"Have any boyfriend or girlfriends yet? " Mr. Sage asked randomly I can tell he was getting bored by the minute. I just shook my head not wanting to answer that.

"I heard theirs a new principal" my mom said trying to start a conversation with me. Again did hell froze because I'm utterly confuse.

" Yes we did. She's very kind a sweet" I said leaving out the part where she cried when I told her my name or when she look like she wanted to murder my mom.

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