Game Night/J&H

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Chapter 19

~Hope POV~

When I woke up this morning I couldn't stop smiling, I finally found my family with a slight bit of drama but who cares all family comes with problems. Corrine hasn't text me since Friday since she's coming home Monday, Uncle Nate had told me that she probably already know that I know so I don't have to worry.

The only thing that I'm worry about is what if Aunt Celia is alive how will we find her the only thing we have is a box full of her old stuff.

"Hope are you up" A voice shouted at the other side of the door snapping me out of my thoughts. I already know it was Hayden.

I pretend to be asleep just for fun until I felt my sides being tickle. Really I hate being tickle its my one true weakness.

I burst out laughing "I'm up" I shouted heavily I was out of breathe, I rub my eyes to see Hayden smirking at me. I probably look horrible and have morning breath.

"Dean makes some pretty good waffles" he said rolling his eyes letting out a chuckle.

I giggle staring at him. He should smile more often it brings out his real personality not the mask he pulls on. Your not fooling any one Mister Hayden Valentino I can see right through your act.

"What do I have something on my face sissy?" he asked tickling my sides. I burst out laughing at the word 'sissy'

"No...s-stop" I laughed out. He stop tickling me.

"You should smile more I can tell your life change for the better over the pass 2 days" I said he pulled me into a hug. We stayed in the moment for a while until the door was flung open by Carter.

What is with these people interrupting special moments?!!

"Aww I want a hug too" Carter says pouting like a 2 year old. Remind me later to ask him how old he is.

Both me and Hayden just ignore him like he doesn't exist. "We should get down stairs before Alex and Gabriel eats all the waffles"he said which made me laugh.

I didn't want to change my pyjamas so I just went downstairs like this.

I follow both Hayden and Carter who were both speaking in Italian. It kind of annoys me that they speak another language that I don't speak.

When we reach the kitchen everyone turn their attention to me which made me a little nervous since this is my second time eating breakfast with them. I mumble a 'good morning' before going to sit beside Carter, I shared a quick glance to Jay. I can tell he's stress out he has bags under his eyes, he look like he is on drugs.

No offence. I sit beside Carter, we said grace they told me that Bella, uncle Nate and Mitch won't be joining us since they have things to get done. Blake, the twins, Dean and Jordan were all wearing suits which I was confuse as to why they were wearing suits at 8 am in the morning. My 4 older brother, Dean and Jordan all started to talk in Italian while Gabriel, Carter and Alex couldn't stop talking about game night. No adults just older teenagers but who cares I was busy worrying about tonight.

After breakfast Blake told me he wanted to see me and talk to me about something. I went to my room to change into something nice by nice I mean one of Hayden's old shirt and Gabriel's ball pants since I didn't have any clothes here. I was now walking to Blake's office pushing the doors open. When I enter I saw the guy who interrupt Blake and I yesterday. I think his name is Austin was sitting on the chair on the left. I sat down beside him not even glancing his way since I wasn't in the time for talking. I know your probably thinking 'oh your disrespectful' no I'm just not in the right mind of talking.

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