The truth Part 2

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Chapter 36

William POV

"I know who the traitor is"


"Looks like this might be the most interesting meeting yet" Vladen said smirking.

Oh boy I hope your right about that....

"Who is it?" Jayden asked sounding a bit eager. He was about to turn murderous in a second.

"I think we should calm down, everyone just stay calm" Roman told us, resting a hand on my angry and murderous looking grandson. I can see him tense at first, but he quickly listen to his older brother and sat back down.

Hayden open his mouth to say something but was cut off by my phone.

I took out my phone to see my wife name on it. Something must be wrong?

I quickly let the call play out so she doesn't think I ended it. She then send me a text to call her back when I get the chance.

I mouthed a sorry before putting my phone face down on the table, everyone turn their attention back to Hayden.

"So then brother who the is the traitor" Jayden asked sounding a little impatient.

He's always so impatient just like his father. 

I know damn well he didn't get that from his mother.

"Can't you see I'm getting their you idiot" Hayden said rolling his eyes.

My grandson sighs before looking straight at Mitch.

"Bella is the traitor"he blurt out. At the mention of Bella's name everyone's eyes went wide, no one expected that, not even me.

"And why would we believe you. Bella Is family, you never betray family" Blake firmly said, only looking at Hayden.

"I have proof" Hayden's answer was short and simple. At that everyone just kept staring at Hayden not saying anything. I can tell Alex wanted to voice his opinion, while Gabriel and Dean sat in their chair loss in their own thoughts. The entire room fell quiet for about 3 minutes until Alex got up fist clench and murderous glare. He didn't even make it close to Hayden because Dean stop him.

"Is this some type of sick Joke" Alex yelled, his older brother was still pushing him back, while trying to get him to calm down. My grandson on the other hand didn't look threatened.

"Alex calm down Now" Dean firmly told him, Alex quickly sat down in his seat crossing his arms, still glaring at my grandson who again still didn't look threatened.

"Dad are you okay?" Gabriel spoke up for the first time. Now that I notice Mitch look like he is on the verge of breaking down in tears eyes.

Mitch just nodded his head flashing his son a smile that clearly isn't real. I can tell his son wanted to comfort his father, but instead the room just fell quiet for a few minutes before Roman spoke up.

"Bella would never betray our family brother" Roman pointed out.

"Well she did" Nate harshly says.

"Don't tell me you believe him too" Alex question, looking hurt.

This boy might not talk a lot, but when its about his family he will talk.

"Like my nephew said earlier he has evidence" Nate firmly said.

Roman shook his head turning his attention to me"Grandpa tell me you don't believe this?" Roman asked me, everyone in the room turn their attention to me waiting for a response.

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