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Chapter 46

Hope POV

"Yes I got her"


I didn't really pay more attention to what she was saying since I was busy staring ahead of me.

A hand flying across the dash board scared the hell out of me.

"Fuck!" she yelled hitting the dash board. My heart is beating fast from that little jump scare.

I'm guessing The phone call didn't end well.

'Duh you idiot' my stupid brain said.

I didn't utter a word or ask her a question since I didn't want to bother her at this point.

Eventually the van finally came to a stop. Angie got out of the Van opening the door for me.

"Get out" she said a little bit rude. I didn't understand why she's being rude to me.

"What happen?" I quietly asked, she took out her gun pointing it to me and started to look around.

"Just walk ahead I'll tell you" she said turning me around. The gun pressed to my back made me a little scared for my life.

"You did nothing wrong" she whisper in my ears.

"I need you to get that paper I gave you to my sister" She quietly said look around.

"How do I know who your sister is?" I asked, she look back and then said "you'll know" those were the last words she said to me during the entire walk.

The walk was so long it felt like we were walking to nowhere. Eventually you can finally see a big white gates up ahead. It didn't take me long to notice that they are four man standing in front of the gate with guns in their hands.

When we finally reach the gate the four men standing in front of us told Angie to place the gun on the floor. Which is exactly what she did.

"Lets go" one of the men shouted pushing Angie a little. I just walk beside her not saying nothing.

We walk down the stone path way to the house which wasn't that far from the gate.

Eventually we reach the house, one of the four men open the door for us. I felt like I was in a palace by just looking around when I entered. I notice the 10 mens that were walking around with guns in their hands.

Their is a huge chandler in the middle and a elevator that is In front of me, that I'm guessing leads to the second floor. On my left their were a lot of pictures while on my right there is a door way that probably leads to the living room.

"This way" the man who pushed Angie said blankly before walking away.

He leads us to what appears to be a office. Taking a seat in one of the chairs that is seated in front of a desk. Angie took the seat on my right hand side. The man who brought us in here just stand by the sofa. The thing I notice about him was that he couldn't stop looking at Angie.

I'm confuse as to why he's looking at her like tha-

The sound of the door opening snapped me out of my thoughts.

"I see we are all here" a voice said. I immediately knew who it was. That son of a bitch, I should have known it was her all along.

"Hope its good to see you again" she says a little friendly plastering a fake smile. I wanted to just slap the smile off her face but instead I just save my energy for later.

Hope ✔Where stories live. Discover now