Part One

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Chapter 58- Two face


Its currently been five days since we flew to Italy.

When we reached Italy I was in shock. The place is so beautiful especially the house. I feel like I'm living in a palace.

Anyways lets not talked about that we have more pressing matters to talk about. It starts with a p.

The paternity test.

I haven't opened it yet because its been missing for over five days now. Yes someone took it.

I was ready to burn down the entire house when I went back to the library and found it was gone.

Celia was the only one who saw me with it aside from Corinne. Corinne couldn't have taken it because she's with her family. So my guess was Celia took it.

The question is why?!

I went to her room that same day after we ate breakfast and ask if she had it. I didn't say what it was because I didn't want her to know. Instead of just saying no she made up a whole ass story and asked me what the paper was about. All I asked was if she had the paper.

A paper can't just disappear out of nowhere. Last time I check a paper don't have legs nor does it have a mind of its own.

I've tried to find a way to sneak into her room, which was a success. But then I end up getting caught by Jordan who was just confuse at first.

He didn't want to know why I was going into his mom so he told me he'll keep it a secret.

I didn't go in after he catch because I felt guilty for no reason.

I went straight to my room to scream into a pillow then went to the library to read. I've been reading all week long and ignoring Celia.

Ever time she comes to talk to me I ignore her.

During the silent treatment I couldn't stop questioning things on my mind about Celia. Theirs just something about her I can't seem to figure out, for example why will she stay away from her family for years and then decided to come back after years.

Its a little strange coming back and to make things even more suspicious is that she decided to come out of her shell and come home around the time the drama was about to end. That's suspicious to me

I wanted to asked Uncle Nate more about her, but he seemed too distracted by the disappearance of that doctor. Apparently they think he's a traitor because he's been acting weird and hasn't been answering their calls.

I really thought this entire thing was going to be over, but it seems like my story has a part two coming.

I just wish it could all go away so I could finally go back to my regular life. Speaking of regular life, I don't start school until next month which is very exciting and what's even more exciting is that Jessica moved down here. I know exciting, its really nice to finally have a friend especially now that I'm starting a new school.

And yes I decide to stay here, Italy seems cool.

Speaking of Jessica we talk every day now. We spoke about school and she also opened up to me about being bisexual. It was nice to talk to someone about stuff and just be me.

I also took half the day to look around the house. I ended up taking a picture of my mom and dad, they were both in their wedding clothes. Mom looked beautiful, I get why Celia said I looked like her.

I did, I was her twin. I also can't help, but noticed how happy they both looked.

She looked so happy.

He looked so happy.

So why do I have this feeling that what ever is written in that paper. That magically went missing is something big.

I just can't see my dad cheating on my mom. They seem to perfect.

"What you reading?" A voice asked snapping me out of my thoughts. At the door stands Celia smiling. Oh great the paper stealer and liar.

"Its a book" I said, I sounded like a smartass.

I quickly closed the book, making sure to fold the page that I was reading for later.

"How nice" she says smiling trying to shake off what I just said. How fake

"Did you want something?" I asked adding a force smile at the end.

"Hope cut the attitude" she firmly says taking the seat in front of me.

"Cut what?" I rolled my eyes crossing my leg.

"Do you really think I'll steal from you?" she asked crossing her arms. Yes..maybe

"You were the only one who saw me with papers in my hand" I explained

"I did?" oh please does she think she can be the next Bella.

"Let me tell you something, you can't just dance your way in here and expect me to buy your bullshit. My cousins and everyone else bought i-"

"But you don't" she firmly said interrupting me. Rude

"Last time I check I came back for my son-"

"And last time I check I didn't leave my family mourning my death, when in reality I was alive" I did what she did. I interrupted her.

She seemed a little mad at what I said. Only speaking facts.

"You don't know me at all little girl so have some respect for m-"

"Tell me why your here and I'll leave you be or I can keep digging and digging until I find something really good" she tense at what I said. She's afraid I'll find something.

"Cat got your tongue" I smirked, I watched as her hands grip tight to the chair.

"The papers are on your bed" she says getting up.

"So you did take it" she said nothing.

"Dinner is in an hour" just like that she walked away fuming.

"Next time don't touch what is mines!"

I guess she's also two face...


Another chapter.

Feel free to let me know if I have any mistakes.

This was suppose to be the last chapter, but I decided to do a twist for the ending.

I don't know why but I love the idea. Sorry

Finish-Mar/11/21 6:21pm

Edited-Mar/11/21 7:49 pm



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