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Chapter 41


We spent half an hour explaining everything to Mitch who had just came back from where ever he went. Apparently he heard about Hope kidnapping from one of our men from Italy and came straight back. When we told him that Sage is Bella brother we almost thought he was going to faint away but he pulled through.

I could see how heartbroken he was. I can never imagine finding out your wife isn't who she says she is.

Anyways it was now 2pm and we were still just sitting in the meeting room. Gabriel and Alex were talking about something, Hayden, the twins, my brother and Dean were all talking in Italian while the rest were talking about nothing that interesting. The entire room stop talking when Blake cleared his throat gaining everyone's attention. Including Myla who sat in a empty chair beside grandma.

"Brother what did you find about Sage Marino?" Blake asked which was directed to Hayden.

"I found out where his warehouse is located" Hayden announce smirking.

"Then we should be there getting Hope back" Dean said.

"We can't just go there unannounced, Sage has a strong security system that can't be tap" Hayden stated, of course Jayden and the twins disagree.

"Who the fuck cares about his security system. We should be caring about getting Hope back" Jayden argued.

"Can't you see if you just walk in there it will be a blood bath" Hayden point out which made Blake, Jordan and Dean share a look.

"So what Sage and Bella mess with the wrong people" Rome said which made Austin, Jayden and Roman agree.

"Think about how much target we will put on or back" Blake interject. I have to agree with Blake and Hayden they are always right when it comes to these things.

"That's agreeable" Hayden said sharing a glance with his brother.

"Your so weak to be in a Mafia" Jayden spat out which made Hayden clench his fist at the word weak.

"You think I'm weak because I said no to your stupi-" A loud bang cut him off.

"Calm the fuck down fratello. We have to stay calm" my cousin firmly shouted glaring at Jayden who just rolled his eyes.

"Brother how will being calm get Hope back" Rome question crossing his hands.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but he does have a point" Roman said nodding his head.

"We have to give it more time, we can't just go on a mission. We don't know what we are getting or self into" Blake says to his brothers.

Of course it didn't take long for the twins and Jayden to disagree.

"That's bullshit" Jayden argued slamming his hand on the desk making Carter jump.

"Fratello watch your mouth" Blake coldly said. Jayden playing with firer.

"Fuck yo-" Jayden was cut off by grandma who slam her hand against the desk gaining everyone's attention.

"Boys calm down-" Grandma yelled glaring at Jayden "We most remember we are a family and not wild animals" she finish, what she said seems to put Jayden in his place cause he just sat in his seat looking down.

Grandma turn to look at me and asked"Jay can you kindly get me some water the yelling and shouting can really get to you" she does sound a little hoarse. I nodded my head getting up from my seat.

I quickly walk down the hall,going down the stairs. I made my way to the kitchen opening the cabinet, I grab a glass cup, pouring Crystal water in it. I grab a apple from out of the refrigerator just in case I get hungry, placing it in my packet.

I started to make my way to the meeting room before I could walk up the stairs the door bell rung.

Who could that be?

"Coming!" I shouted walking my way to the door. When I reach the door I opened it letting the glass of water slip out of my hand falling to the floor with a loud bang Breaking the cup into million pieces.

I stare at the woman who stands in front of me in disbelief.

"Jay" she gasp her brown hair weren't as brown as they were anymore in the pictures my brother would show me.

I spent years holding on to a picture of her but sadly I lost it. Even with out the picture I would recognize.

I remember I would cry when ever I see her pictures.

I felt a tear escape my eyes as I said these three letter word I thought I would never get the chance to say.




Feel free to let me know if I have any mistakes.

I know its short but I just couldn't find anything else to put.

Finish~Nov/6/20 5pm

Edited~Nov/7/20 11:56am


'I hope you enjoy'

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