Putting the Pieces together

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Chapter 24

~Hope POV~

"Hope why are you in my room" I turn around to see a angry Bella. If looks could kill I would be dead.

Oh shit!!


I quickly pushed the ring in my back packet.

"I um saw the room door open and thought-" she cut me off which I think is very rude like let me speak.

"Sage told me about the call Hope" she says shutting the door. Why is she shutting the door?

"H-he did" I stutter. She started to smile.

What is going on?

First of all why the fuck did I stutter?!

"And I know you and Jay were the one who dug up Celia's grave" she stated randomly. She was trying to scare me I can tell.

The question is why?

And how did she know about that?

"I don't understand" I said playing dumb. She started laughing like a maniac.

Who is this woman?

"Nessuno ti crederà una volta che avrai letto quel libro, perché sono sempre davanti a tutti "she says in Italian. I was confuse and scared. She's starting to creep me out.

[No one will believe you once you read that book, because I'm always ahead of everyone]

Then and idea hit me.

When she turn around to look at the boxes I quickly put on the recorder that was on my phone just in case she speaks Italian again I can always use Google to translate it for me.

Smart bitch.

I know.

"E siccome non sai cosa sto dicendo te lo dico solo in italiano" she say in a creepy tone. I'm scared. Note the sarcasm.

[And because you don't know what I'm saying I'll just tell you in italian]

Remind me to learn Italian fast because so far the only word I pick up was Italian.

She look me in the eyes before speaking again.

"Ti ucciderò solo per vendicarmi di quello che mi hanno fatto, farò soffrire tutti tranne mio figlio Dean poiché è il mio erede. Non posso uccidere mio figlio maggiore ma posso uccidere il mio figlio più giovane è troppo stupido per essere mio figlio quindi chiuderai la tua graziosa boccuccia e farai gli affari tuoi. Nessuno crederà a niente di quello che dici, nemmeno a quel libro stupido" I stared at her confuse and scared this isn't the Bella I know.

[I'm going to kill you just to get my revenge on what they did to me I will make everyone suffer except for my son Dean since he is my heir. I can't kill my oldest son but I can kill my youngest their both too stupid to be my sons so your going to shut your pretty little mouth and mind your own business. No one will believe any thing you say not even that dumb book]

She's crazy and needs help.

What is wrong with her?

I need to learn Italian right away!

"Oh sorry dear I forgot you didn't speak Italian I'm usually a Italian speaker. What I just said was Don't worry I won't tell your brothers that you snuck out" she reassure me lying about what she said in Italian.

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