Telling them

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                  Chapter 9


    Today is the day I will tell the boys that I have found Hope, Blake and his brothers are growing more frustrated at the moment, since Rome still didn't know where Corrine lives.

Plus to make matters worst we had just got word that Sage Marino was spotted in the city. That bastard he's always looking for problem. The boys are all in the conference room that is up stairs. I didn't know what they were talking about I could here chairs moving so my guess is theirs a argument going on. I just shrugged it off cause all I know was that I was gonna make their day by telling them that I had found Hope.

I pushed the door open, as soon as I open it I didn't like what I saw. Rome was punching Roman while the boys were trying to pull them apart. "ENOUGH" I shouted at all of their stupid bickering. All heads snap to me, I was looking at everyone with disappointment.

"È così che volete che Hope trovi la sua famiglia quando tornerà" I stated in Italian. Every time I'm piss I speak in Italian of course the boy understand what I said. Some of the boys look confuse as to why I mention Hope and return in a sentence. Rome and Roman expression change to a frown at the mention of Hope.

[IS this how you guys want Hope to find her family when she returns]

"Now sit your asses down before I make you" I said glaring at everyone. When everyone was seated Blake and my oldest son came in the same time and took their seats. I went to my seat and clear my throat.

"Qual è il problema di questo?" Blake asked in a deep voice to me in italian making all head snap to him.

[What's the Matter of this?]

"Okay since we got that out of the way I have some good news" I said looking at Blake who looked interest in what I have to say all of a sudden.

His other brothers calm down for a while. I took a deep breath"I found her" I said smiling I saw a little of shock and happiness on Blake's face for second before it was went back to his a normal blank face.

"Which one Hope or Corrine ?" Carter asked which got him a hit in the back of the head from his cousin Jay.

"Hope you idiot" Gabriel answered sarcastically which earn him a glare from his big brother.

"Idiot" Hayden mutter under his breath beside me which I heard.

"Where is she?" Jayden finally spoke clenching his fist.

"I don't know where she lives but I do know what I can tell you is that she's going to be coming here for after school committee" I said. I can see a little bit of happiness in the boys eyes.

"Why didn't you inform us that you knew where she was?" Rome question me in a not nice tone, which earn him a glare from his brothers to watch his tone.

"I was trying to get to know her first before I invite her to my house" I said lying a little. The truth is I wanted Hope to come home but at the same time I didn't want her to come at the wrong time since her brothers are not in a good mood because of Sage.

"We should give her a few more days before we just take her from there, at least let her meet you guys before you drag her off to italy and tell her everything" I said firmly to the boys. Blake, Hayden and Carter, Jordan and Jay look lost in thought when suddenly a hand was slam on the table making Gabriel fly out of his chair.

"No we need her to be here we cant lose her again we need to get to her before Corrine finds out we are here" Jayden shouted disagreeing with my plan, the twins both agree with him.

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