Chapter 2

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The first class of the day was Herbology. You, Ron, and Hermione had it together, and you had a test today. Hermione was studying for it last night, but you were just gonna wing it. It normally worked for you.

Hermione was rambling on about how nervous she was. "What if I fail? Y/n, I can't fail this. Ok, so Devil's Snare hates light, and then-"

"'Mione." You say. "Chill. You've never failed in your life. Relax." Hermione nods, taking a deep breath. You give her an encouraging pat on the shoulder as the three of you walk into the greenhouse.

Hermione goes to sit at the front of the classroom, as she always does, and you sit next to Ron. He laid his stuff on the table in a messy fashion and you shot him a look. He put his hands up in defeat and moved it to his half of the desk.

"Alright class, take out your quills. You have one hour to complete this assessment."

"Hey, Y/n?" Ron looks at you.


"What's going on between you and Harry?" He asks. You turn to him.

"What? Nothing. Why?" You turn to him in confusion. There's no way he could know about what happened last night. That was the first time your stomach stirred at the thought of Harry. Ron couldn't know...

Ron shrugs. "He talks about you an awful lot. I bet he likes you."

You laugh. "No way. I thought he liked that girl in his Arithmancy class. With Christmas so soon, I thought he was planning on asking her to the Christmas ball..." But what Ron said made you think. Does he? You shook your head, clearing your mind as you looked down at the paper.

What plant can kill you if you are exposed to it's cry?
A mandrake.

What is bubotuber pus good for?
Acne and burns.

What do Puffapods produce?
Large pink seedpods filled with shining beans.

What scares Devil's Snare away?

Uh oh. You didn't remember this one. You wracked your brain... think, Y/n think... what scares it off?

Water? No. Fire? No... Crying?? Why would it be afraid of crying? You blinked and looked out the sides of the greenhouse, searching for an answer in the grass. The sun shone brightly above you and you looked at it, searching it's brightness for an answer when suddenly you remembered...


You handed in your test and sat down until the end of class. Ron kept bugging you, trying to get you to whisper the answers to him. You gave him a few, but one has to know a certain number of things. Think of this as a life lesson, Ronald.

Your next class was Charms. You bid you friends goodbye as you walked up to the castle. Your feet hit the cold ground as you climbed the hill towards the school. You were out of breath and slightly peeved when you finally made it to the doors. You panted as you made your way inside, wanting nothing but to be at Charms class.

You were about half of the way there when someone pushed you. The impact and surprise made you stumble forward. You tried desperately to catch yourself but ended up hitting the floor harder than you would've if you just let yourself fall. Your books flew across the hallway as did your wand.

You turned, ready to start screaming at whoever your attacker was. But you were surprised with a new, and ugly, face peering down at you. It was Marcus Flint, a player on the Slytherin Quidditch team. You recognized him because you had heard a number of your classmates whispering about him. About how he was a creep and thought he could get away with whatever he wanted.

"Who do you think you are-" You began, but Flint cut you off.


"What's a pretty little mudblood like you doing walking all alone?" He said maliciously. Fear settled in your body. Flint was bigger than you, stronger than you too. When he pushed you, your wand flew out of your hand, across the hallway.

"I'm a half blood." You said, your teeth gritted.

"Oh yeah? Shut up. Notice how were the only ones in this hallway?" He asked, advancing on you.

"Stop-" You said before he held you down to the ground so you couldn't run.

"Flint, stop, get awa-" You clawed at his arm that was holding you down.

"Fiesty, are we? Well I'm sure I'll find out soon enough." He grabs you by the scruff of your robe and pulls you up, dragging you behind him.

"Let go!" You said angrily, struggling.

"Put her down, Marcus." You heard a familiar voice. Flint growls and drops you on your butt. Your hair was messy and your face red. You took a deep breath, realizing how bad that situation could've been.

"Who do you think you are, grabbing me like that. You sick bastard!!" You screamed, struggling to stand up. When you finally made it to your wobbly feet you slapping him right across the face. He gasps, his cheek red, and holds his face. You turn away to see who saved you. Oh. Draco Malfoy.

You tried not to dwell on it as you huffed angrily and grabbed your wand, walking forward. As you passed by Draco, you whispered, "Thank you." Draco nods and you continue to Charms, disgruntled and red in the face.

When you finally reached Charms, Ginny was sitting down towards the back. Harry was up towards the front. You hurried towards Ginny.

"Gin, you will never believe what happened." You said, distraught. Ginny looks up at you, and she notices your hair is messy and your face is red.

"Oh my goodness, Y/n, what happened?" Ginny asked, concern written all over her.

"Marcus Flint- I was walking to class and he grabbed me and pushed me and started dragging me.. and.. and Malfoy told him to stop." You said, your voice getting quieter and quieter.

"Oh, Y/n, I'm so sorry!" Ginny stands and hugs you. "But Draco Malfoy?"

"I thought the same thing! We are far from friends... but I don't want to think about what would've happened if he didn't step in." You shuttered. Ginny nodded sympathetically just as class started. The teacher talked on and on and on, and you ended up falling asleep. Ginny woke you at the end of class. "Morning, silly. It's lunch time." You smiled warily and stood, following Ginny down to the Great Hall. You walked side by side quietly, both thinking to yourselves. You walked into the Great Hall, listening to the lively chatter of the students as you waited for your friends to arrive. First came Hermione, then Ron and Harry, whispering. You wondered where he had gone to at the end of Charms. Normally he walked with you and Ginny.

"Hey guys!" You greeted. Ron and Harry looked up from their whisper-sesh and smiled at you. Ron looked smug.

"So... the Christmas ball is coming up!" You said, eager to start talking about it. Snow fell from the ceiling of the Great Hall.

"Oh, I'm so excited!" Hermione said. "I've got this cute little dress! I'm not going with anyone, but I don't really want to."

"Come with me, Hermione! I'm not going with anyone either." You say, smiling. I've got the cutest dress, though." You and Hermione become deeply invested in a conversation about your dresses. Harry, Ron, and Ginny, however, were whispering about dates.

"I'm going with Dean." Ginny whispered proudly. "He asked me yesterday."

Ron scoffed. "How is it that my little sister has a date and I don't." Harry laughed. "Who are you going with, then, if you think your so cool!"

Harry looked at you quickly before dropping his eyes to his feet. "I dunno. I had someone in mind..." Ron nodded and became completely invested in his chicken again.

The Triangle: Year 3 (Draco X Reader X Harry)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora