Chapter 74

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Your POV
You and the girl had made it all the way around the grounds.

"This was a wild goose chase, wasn't it? Cedric isn't hurt!" You said angrily.

"No! No!" The girl said panicked. "My- uh- my friend must have brought him inside all ready, let's go!" She said, looking at me.

"Fine. Whatever. Make it quick." You said, impatiently.

The girl walked a little faster this time but not by much. You had already wasted half an hour of your life. You only had 20 minutes left in your tutoring session.

You and the girl reached the hospital wing. She stopped in front of the doors, trying to pull them open.

"Uh oh! They're locked! Looks like-"

You wave your wand and the doors unlocked. "Nice try." You said, pushing the doors open. Five beds were occupied, three covered in curtains. You glanced around the room. The two beds you could see held two first years. No Cedric.

You walked over to the first bed with curtains, putting your hands on the curtains as to rip them open.

"Wait, don't you think we should-" The girl began. You ripped the curtains open.

A second year girl laid in the bed, unconscious, with weird looking boils appearing on her face.

"Not Cedric." You muttered. You closed her curtains and walked to the second bed.

"Y/n, I really don't think-" The girl began again. Rip. You ripped the next set of curtains. A seventh year boy laid there whos arm had grown little puffs of fluff in random spots. Again, not Cedric.

You approached the last bed, but before you could open the last set of curtains, you heard the girl scream "Stupefy!" And felt yourself being thrown backwards through the air. You dropped your wand and hit your head on the wall.

"Ow!" You said, reaching for your wand. "You're gonna pay for that one."

Just as you grabbed your want, the girl shouted another curse and you felt as if your hand was set on fire. You looked at it, and nothing appeared wrong. So, ignoring the pain, you fired a spell back at her, shooting her backwards through the air. The people in the hospital wing watched in shock as you dueled with the girl.

The two of you slowly moved out of the hospital wing while you shot curses at her. You battled down the hall until you finally screamed, "Petrificus Totalus!" and the girl seemed to freeze in time. Her body went still as a rock and she fell backwards, slamming on the floor like a plank of wood.

"That's what you get." You muttered as you hurried down the hall. The dungeons were on the other side of the castle. You had 10 minutes left.

By the time you got to the hallway, you had five minutes left.

The painting for the Slytherin common room appeared down the hall. But someone was standing in front of it. Another one of Pansy's minions.

"Oh my goodness, how many of you are there?" You ask exhaustedly.

The girl smirks and with that, another duel commenced.

Pansy's POV
Draco watched me as I continued with the potion. We sat in silence for a while before he broke it.

"I like spending time with you." Draco said softly, looking at me.

"I like it too. I wish we did it more." I said, meaning I wished he spent more time with me. Pansy.

"Yeah. I wish I got to spend as much time with you as Potter does."

I look over at him. "I wish I got to spend as much time with you as Y/-" I begin to say but catch myself. "As you do with the rest of your house."

Draco smiles, dropping his eyesight. "You'd make a good Slytherin."

"Damn right I would!" I said proudly. "Uh- I mean- uh.. maybe. You'd make an awful Gryffindor."

Draco chuckles. "Yeah, I would." He looks at the clock. "We've only got two minutes. I guess we should clean up." So I helped him clean up, wishing desperately for more time. But I could feel the effects wearing off.

Once we were done, we walked down to the common room. Thirty seconds left. Draco smiles at me before taking my hand.

"Please never stop visiting me." He said smiling before pulling me into him. Our lips touched, for the first time ever. Sparks went through me. Finally, finally, I was kissing him. This boy who I've loved since first year. Finally. I felt my features slowly melt away and once again, I was Pansy.

Your POV
"Stupefy!" You screamed one last time. The girl was flung backwards and hit her head on a pillar, knocking herself out cold. You looked at the clock on the wall.

Fifteen seconds til tutoring was over. You rushed to the door. 10 seconds. You screamed the password, startling the painting. 5 seconds. The door swung open.

3, 2, 1. You burst through the door, rehearsing your apology in your head. But that apology would never leave your lips.

Before you, you say Pansy and Draco's lips interlocked. Draco was kissing her passionately, just as passionately if not more than he had kissed you.

Draco pulled away and his eyes widened at the sight of Pansy.

"Pansy?!" He shrieked, pulling away in disgust. Then he saw you. His eyes widened, his mouth dropped, and he saw the tears forming in your eyes.

"Y/n, listen, she-"

You spun on your heel and rushed from the common room, holding back tears.

The Triangle: Year 3 (Draco X Reader X Harry)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang