Chapter 51

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You turn away, embarrassed, and Ron clears his throat awkwardly and starts to speak.

"Uh- so, anywho... I guess we should start the Potion."

So the four of you begin working on your potion (no thanks to Goyle) Malfoy's hand would occasionally brush yours as you passed materials to him. Finally, the potion was done.

"Professor?" You ask, wanting him to come evaluate the Potion.

Snape walks over. "Goyle, hand out of your nose." (Goyle removes his finger from his nose, which he had been picking) Snape stirred around the Potion, looking at it.

"Hmm. I say it gets a B+. The liquid is supposed to be more blue than green." You thanked him and class came to an end.

Ron packed his stuff next to you as he rambled on. "Of course he had to put us with Malfoy, he knows how much I hate him." Just then Malfoy walked by, hitting Ron with his shoulder.

Ron muttered something that sounded suspiciously like "What an idiot" and walked with you out of the Potions classroom.

Lunch was next. You and Ron walked together, and finally got to the door of the Great Hall. You looked over and saw Harry already sitting next to Hermione. The two looked up at you, and Harry's features dropped as he saw you. He began to get up, as to avoid sitting with you, you just shook your head, walking out of the Great Hall. Hermione and Ron called your name but you ignored them.

You felt anger surge through you and you almost turned around to give him a piece of your mind. But you decided against it, and trudged up a random staircase. You wandered for about five minutes before finding yourself outside of Lupin's classroom. You heard him humming contently.

You knocked on the open door, peeking inside. Lupin looked up at you and smiled.

"Y/n! It's great to see you." He said warmly. You gave him a halfhearted smile and sat down on his desk, sighing.

"What's wrong?" He asks. You shrug.

"Problems with Harry." You mumble.

He looks at you knowingly. "Ya know, Harry came to visit me the other day. During lunch. Said he had a lot to get off his chest."

You looked up at Lupin. "About.... about me?"

He nods slowly. "Among other things."

"Please, Professor, please tell me what he said." You beg.

Lupin shakes his head. "That would be betraying his trust..." He chooses his next words carefully, "...but I will tell you this. He doesn't like when people are not straight forward. He doesn't want to have to guess your emotions." You listen to Lupin, staring at the ground.

You curse. "I'm trying, Professor Lupin. I really am trying. But I don't know what I'm feeling either."


Lupin allowed you to sit in his classroom and talk to him for a long time. Lunch had ended, and the both of you had no classes to attend or teach. You had a free period and Lupin didn't have a class to teach until the next period.

You laughed at a joke Lupin had just made. He smiled at you, glad to see you happy, before glancing at the clock.

"Oh my! I'm sorry, but I have to prepare for my next class. Come by and visit me again, will you?" You smile at him, before giving him a hug. He tensed, surprised for a second, before returning the favor. He was almost like a second father to you.

You bid him goodbye before exciting the classroom. Your next class was Transfiguration, which went slowly. Finally, dinner was upon you.

The Triangle: Year 3 (Draco X Reader X Harry)Where stories live. Discover now