Chapter 52

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You debated whether you should go to dinner. You finally decided against it, ignoring your stomach rumbling. You walked sadly up to the common room, keeping your head down. Your stomach grumbled at you, making angry sounds. You ignored it, disregarding the sounds it continuously made.

You pushed the door to your common room open, watching the clock tick dinner away. You started at the hands, watching them tick by the numbers. Feeling empty. Hungry. Tired. Frustrated.

Finally dinner ended. Hermione walked in, sitting next to you.

"Y/n...?" She asked. You looked at her, your eyes devoid of emotion. "How're you feeling? I noticed you didn't eat." You shrugged, turning on your side. Staring in front of you.

She rubbed your shoulder. "I'm sorry about everything going on. Harry told me at lunch."

You just nodded.


"I really think you should eat something." You shook your head.

"I think I'm just going to go to sleep."

Hermione glanced at the clock. "It's only 9,

You shrugged, covering yourself with a blanket. Hermione frowned, before getting up and walking over her own bed. You dozed off as she was getting ready to sleep.

You awoke late in the night, around one in the morning, to a weird stirring feeling in your chest.

Water. You thought. You stood, and quietly opened the door to not wake Ginny or- Wait... Hermione's bed was empty...

You looked around the room. No sign of her. You pushed open the door. Maybe she was in the common room? As you began to descend the stairs, you heard loud, angry voices.

You peaked around the wall and saw Harry and Hermione standing in the common room.

"You're being selfish!" Hermione said angrily, trying but failing to keep her voice down.

"No, I'm not! I don't want to see her. It's none of your business, anyways."


Hermione scoffed. "None of my business? None of my business? I'm guessing you didn't notice, but she didn't eat lunch today. Or dinner. She's not eating, and you don't care? You only think about yourself, Harry."

Harry paused, looking guilty for a second. "Well- th-that's-"

"Awful." Hermione cuts in. "You think this is the only one this is affecting? Ron told me she didn't say a word in Transfiguration. He didn't see her after lunch at all until that class. You're acting like you're the only one upset-"

Harry blushed furiously. "I have a right to be!"

"Why? Why do you have that right?" Hermione asked furiously. "Y/n means so much to me and clearly you don't care or you would've noticed she hadn't eaten. Who knows if I can force her to eat tomorrow?"

Harry looks at the ground. "B-but why would she do that? Why would she kiss another boy knowing it hurts?"

Hermione shook her head angrily. "She has emotions too! And clearly, she doesn't know what she's feeling. For either of you. Let her choose on her own time. Not yours, and not Draco's." Hermione paused.

"You aren't dating her, Harry."

Harry looked at the floor and you saw a single tear go down his cheek. He looked up at her, staring her in the eyes.

"Maybe that's the problem."

The Triangle: Year 3 (Draco X Reader X Harry)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें