Chapter 22

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You awoke the next morning feeling tired. Hermione, Ron, and Ginny all left today. Half the castle would be gone before noon.

You got ready for breakfast and walked down with Hermione, telling her all about the kitchens last night. She listened intently.

"Wow..." She said. "Y/n, you've got to like one of them."

You shook your head. "I can't... Harry is one of my closest friends. And Draco just... won't work. I can't like either of them."

You two sat down. "Either of who?" Harry asks, looking at you.

"Oh! Hi Harry, it's nothing." You say quickly. Harry looks at you suspiciously before turning back to- Oh. Ginny.

You huffed and turned to Hermione. "I'm so sick of him talking to Ginny." You whisper. "It makes me so jealous."

Hermione looks at you sympathetically and nods. "But remember, you can't like him. You just said so."

"I know. I wish I could, though." Hermione nods and turns back to Ron and Harry.

"Ron, I just wanted to say thanks for the sweater." Hermione says, blushing, looking at Ron.

"Oh- uh, uh yeah! It's no problem." He smiles, stuttering.

The mail flies in. An owl flies over your head and drops a letter on it. It's addressed to you.

Dear Y/n,

We know that you're not leaving Hogwarts for the Holidays. Seeing as Hermione is already coming to our house, and you're a good friend of Ron's, we figured we should ask if you would like to join us! Also, please tell Harry that we would love for him to come too!

All the love, Molly Weasley.

"Ron!" You said. "Your mom asked if I wanted to come for the holidays. You too, Harry." You say, looking up at him.

"Well, blimey, you should! Harry's been to my house loads of times! You haven't, though; you should!"

"But I haven't even packed! The train leaves in an hour."

"Better hurry then." Hermione says.

You grab Harry's arm, pulling him up so the two of you can pack.

You get to the common room. "I guess I'll go start packing." You say.

"I'll probably finish before you. I haven't got as much to pack." He says.

"You can come help me then." You say, smiling. He nods and walks up his staircase. You walk up yours.

When you get to your room, you decide you'll start with everything on your bed side table. A picture of you and your parents, a picture of your muggle home, a couple necklaces (including Draco's) and some rings. You also go into your, Hermione, and Ginny's bathroom, grabbing your toothbrush, toothpaste, towel, hairbrush, and mouthwash. The door to your room opens.

"Y/n?" Harry's voice comes from in your room.

"I'm here!" You say. Harry walks into the bathroom, watching you hurry around trying to grab everything.

"I finished packing." He says.

"I've got a lot to go. Harry, d'you mind throwing all my clothes in that suitcase? Doesn't have to be very neat, just try to get them all to fit." You say. Harry walks over to the dresser and opens the drawer. The first drawer is t-shirts.

You open your closet where you keep all your robes. You take all the hangers off the bar and fold them neatly, putting them in another suitcase.

Harry opens the second drawers, and you realize that's your underwear drawer. You look over to see him blushing.

"Oh! Crap, sorry Harry. I forgot that was there. Just skip that drawer if you want." You say. Harry nods, opening the third.

You look at him for a second before walking across the room. You still had a bit more to pack, and you didn't know how much time you had.

"Y/n, we've still got forty minutes. No need to rush." Harry says amusedly.

You look up at the clock. "Really? Does that mean I have time to shower?" You ask. Harry nods.

You smile at him, before grabbing a towel from your suitcase and one of your robes.

"I'll be out in fifteen minutes." You say. "Don't burn the place down." Harry chuckles as you shut the door.

The Triangle: Year 3 (Draco X Reader X Harry)Where stories live. Discover now