Chapter 44

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You hugged Hermione goodbye and descended the stairs to the common room.

"Y/n!" Said Fred and George.

You smile at them. "Hello, boys. I've got to get going, so I can't really stay. Harry and Ron need me." You chuckle.

The boys laughed and let you pass them. You closed the common room door behind you and walked down a staircase, which randomly decided to switch as you walked down it. You looked at the paintings, thinking. You walked down a random hallway towards the dungeons, so completely encased in a thought that you failed to notice the two fat boys making their way toward you.

"Aye! Goyle! Look who it is!" Crabbe said. The two chuckle stupidly.

"Leave me alone, will you?" You ask, planning on walking past them. The two of them block your path down the hallway.

"No, I don't think so." Goyle said, his stupidity shining through.

"You two are such morons." You huff, trying to push past. Goyle pushes you.

"What do you... uh...  say we show... uh.. y/n here what it feels like to be- uhm... uh... punched in the face?" Crabbe struggled to think of the words coming out of his mouth.

"Yeah, good one Crabbe!" Goyle says, advancing towards you.

"Back off, Goyle!" You say.

He just laughs, almost trips over his own feet, but continues walking towards you. Crabbe follows.

You back up. "Please, just let me get past." You say.

Crabbe pushes you, knocking you over. You try to get up, but Goyle knocks you over again. You feel hot tears in your eyes, but you couldn't let them see you cry.

"Stop." You say, holding back tears. You stand up once more before they knock you over again, laughing stupidly.

You stand, angry and upset, and slap Goyle right across the face.

"Bitch-" He says, before punching you right in the eye. Goyle looks at Crabbe before they curse at you once more and walk away.

You hold your hand to your eye. Damn, that's gonna bruise, you think. You pick up the note, which you had dropped, and trudged down to the dungeons, still holding back tears.

You push the door open, head down, and hear Snape ask you what you were doing here.

"I have a note." You say, monotone. "For them to be excused."

"I think not." Snape says, but you hand him the note. He reads it, rereads it, and reads it a third time. He inspects it, flips it over, and finally sighs.

"This session will be made up, I assume?"

Harry and Ron have already hurried out of the door by the time Snape says this. You just shut the door behind you, refusing the look up.

"Y/n?" Harry and Ron ask at the same time, but you had already disappeared down the hallway, ignoring their calls of your name.

The Triangle: Year 3 (Draco X Reader X Harry)Where stories live. Discover now