Chapter 49

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Breakfast the next day was quiet. You feel Pansy's eyes on you, but refuse to look back. Your first class of the day is Charms, which you have with Harry (and unfortunately Pansy). The bell rings and you get up to go, but Hermione holds you back. "Be careful." She says. You nod, walking out of the Great Hall. You take two wrong turns and end up late to Charms. As you neared the classroom, you heard Pansy's loud voice.

"She did!" Pansy said.

"Prove it..." Harry replied slowly.

"Oh, proof? Don't believe me? How about you ask Draco, or your filthy mudblood friend, or anyone! We all know they kissed yesterday! You really believed the 'tutoring' story? How pathetic!" Pansy laughed shrilly. You heard Harry stutter for a second before you saw the classroom door swing open.

Harry walked through, his fists clenched. He looked up and saw you.

"Harry!" You called, but he had already given you a heartbroken and hateful glare and turned, storming down the corridor. Ignoring your voice calling his name from down the hall.


You threw the door open to the Charms classroom, and stormed towards Pansy.

"You!" You scream, shooting a curse at her.

"You disgusting-" You hit her with a curse, "Awful-" Another hits her, "Homewrecking-" A third curse knocks her from her feet, "-Whore!" You fired one last curse before kicking a chair over and holding your wand to her throat. "If you ever-" You begin, glaring at her with a new kind of malice you had never felt. Her eyes reflected endless fear. "-ever come near me or my friends again, I will hurt you so badly, that-" Professor Flitwick entered the classroom, observing the mess that had been made.

"What is going on?!" He asked, shocked. You stood, kicking Pansy as hard as you could before storming from the classroom, cursing as you left.

You needed someone to talk to. Badly. Hermione was taking a test right now, you had no idea what class Ron had, and Harry would most certainly not talk to you.

Cedric. You remember Cedric telling you about how challenging his Defense Against the Dark Arts class was.

"I mean- Lupin's a good teacher, the best we've had in a while, but man, is that class rough." Cedric said. You laughed.

"What period is it?"

"Period 2." Cedric replies.

"Oh, I have Charms then. Flitwick is an easy teacher, he always comes in late."

You rush down the hallway, looking for Lupin's classroom. You had never lost a classroom before, but your mind was all over the place. You couldn't focus.

Finally, you found the door, and pushed it open. The class was filled with fifth years, all of whom turned and stared at you. Including Cedric.

"How may I help you, Miss y/l/n?" Lupin asked kindly.

"Cedric." You said hoarsely. "I need to talk to Cedric." Cedric looked around, glancing at his classmates' confused expressions.

Lupin looked at you, about to say no. Until he saw how upset, frazzled, and on the verge of tears you were. His expression softened and he nodded.

"Go ahead, Mister Diggory. You may catch up on the classwork with a friend." Lupin nodded at Cedric.

Cedric slowly got up, looked at you confused, and grabbed his stuff. He bid goodbye to his friends and walked out of the door, walking with you.

"What's wrong, y/n? Are you okay?" He asks, looking down at you. The two of you round the corner of an empty corridor and you break down in tears. Wow; you were crying a lot recently.

Cedric looked shocked before pulling you into a hug. "Y/n, what's wrong?" He asked, rubbing your back as he held you close to him. The hug was friendly, not sexual in any way. You thought of Cedric more as a close friend than anything else.

You cried into his chest until you were finally able to speak.

The Triangle: Year 3 (Draco X Reader X Harry)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant