Chapter 28

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You lean your head on his shoulder, watching Ron be pushed around by Fred and George. Ginny flew around, scoring goal after goal because no one was paying attention. It made you chuckle.

Harry stroked your hair absentmindedly, not realizing he was doing it. You watched Fred almost push Ron ofd his broom before deciding against it.

"Quidditch is rough." You comment, looking up at Harry.

"It's fun though. Watch." He says, standing and grabbing his broomstick. You watch him fly up, playing with the boys. You smile happily.

You sat there for a long time. It was dark by the time Molly called your names.

You all walked in, laughing and tired from all the fun you had. You look at the clock on the wall. It was 8 o'clock.

Molly Weasley had made a gorgeous dinner. I mean, it was Christmas Eve. There was food everywhere, turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, and literally everything else anyone could want.

You sat next to Ron and Harry. Hermione sat across from you.

"Dig in!" Molly said. You all thanked her and began to eat.

"Molly?" Arthur said. "Did you hear Diggory's son Cedric got a girlfriend? Apparently a fine young lady. Name is Cho Chang." You and Harry both blushed at that sentence. Why did Harry blush?


"Yes. He told me about how proud he was that Cedric did." Arthur said.

You continued eating your food, tuning them out. An owl flew through the window and landed in front of you, barely missing the turkey. You grabbed the note from it and thanked it before it flew away.

Dear Y/n,

My father didn't want me to write to you. If he knew I was writing to the Weasley's house, he would kill me. But I wanted to say that I was sorry for blowing you off. I just really dislike your friends. I also dislike apologies, so this is probably the only one you'll ever get.

Merry Christmas, Malfoy.

You reread it and giggle. Hermione immediately knows who the note is from. I'll answer later. You say to yourself, putting the note in your pocket. You don't want Harry to see it. You push the note out of your mind so you can focus on the conversation, which had switched from Cedric to the Ministry of Magic.

"And Lucius still has his job! What does he need to do for them to fire him?" Arthur says angrily. Molly nods sympathetically.

"I understand Arthur, but you're boring the kids with the Ministry talk. Let's bring out the presents!"

The Triangle: Year 3 (Draco X Reader X Harry)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ