Chapter 92

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You turned towards the dog and smiled. The dog got up and walked towards you before sitting about five feet away. The two of you looked at each other, now sharing a mutual bond.

"Couldn't sleep?" You asked the dog. The dog looked at you. You chuckled at yourself and looked around, a breeze in the night hitting your face. You smiled and stood beginning to walk, the dog trotting behind you.

"So you're a stray?" You asked. You probably sounded crazy. Talking to a dog. Right now he was the only thing to talk to.

The dog huffed and continued to follow you. You looked back at the great beast who was trudging along in your wake. The dog left soft footprints in the grass that would be gone by morning. The two of you got to a grassy area by the lake.

You laid down and stared up at the stars, enjoying the angle. You could see more stars down here than you could up with Draco. The dog caught up with you and laid next to you. He sighed and looked up, also enjoying the view. He was very smart for a dog. You smiled before patting his head.

"I used to have a dog, ya know." You said absentmindedly. "He passed away when I was 10. Right before I got my letter. It really sucked. Hogwarts was the only thing that got me through it." The dog watched you speak. His eyes became sad.

"He was a great dog. A big mastiff. He was a gentle giant, that boy. Never hurt a fly. He slept with me at nights, too, especially when I was crying or felt down. He was like a therapist, really. He was so big and fluffy-" You laughed, enjoying the happy memories that were now flooding your mind.

The dog watched you and smiled, as if he was reliving the memories with you.

"People don't realize how great dogs can be. They're like- like something you can count on to love you endlessly." You sighed, feeling your eyes tear up. You hold your tears in, not wanting to cry.

You wiped your eyes before quickly changing the subject.

"Have you ever had an owner?" You asked, turning your head to the great beast beside you looking for some sign of an answer. The dog turned away, and then turned back. As if saying "No."

You frowned. "Ya know, if we were allowed dogs I'd keep you. I think I'd get criticized for that, figuring everyone only has an owl, cat, or toad." You stopped speaking and gazed at the stars for a little while before you spoke up again.

"How'd you get on the Hogwarts grounds? I mean, you can't be just a normal stray. You wouldn't be wandering around here." You laughed at yourself, realizing how stupid you sounded. "And now I'm talking to a dog who probably doesn't even understand anything I'm saying. I've gone mad, I'm telling you."

The dog just watched you as you stopped speaking. The stars shone above you, illuminating your face and the rest of Hogwarts with it.

"I just wish I had someone to talk to." You said quietly. You silenced after, knowing the dog couldn't help your problems.

"Me too." The voice of a grown man sounded beside you.

"I'm going crazy, I tell you. Now I'm hearing voices." You chuckled at yourself, turning to look at the great beast.

But there was no longer a dog beside you. The pooch had been replaced by a man with matted hair and a sad smile.

You started, and pushed yourself away from the man. But for some reason you weren't scared. A little, maybe, but definitely not as scared as you would've thought you'd be, coming face to face with a wanted murderer.

"You're an animagus." You said quietly. The man nodded, a sad expression on his face.

"I'm sorry I tricked you." He said sadly, sitting up.

"Why?" You asked. He looked at you. "Why are you doing this, I mean?"

"Doing what?"

"Escaping, coming to Hogwarts, trying to kill Harry?"

Sirius sighed deeply. "No, no. You've got it all wrong. Everyone does. I'm not a murderer."

You chuckled darkly. "It's a little late for that one."

"No, really!" Sirius said. "Oh what would you know, you've never been framed for murder."


Sirius looked at you, his face creased from all the stress he'd been under. He chuckled darkly. "Framed indeed. Would you like me to explain it all?"

You nodded, watching the man. He looked quite alike to his dog form. His black hair had the same patterns as his fur, and was a bit matted. His eyes hadn't changed one bit. That's where you recognized him from.

"Well, when I was younger, I was apart of a friend group. We were a group of four. The marauders, they called us." Sirius chuckled, staring at the ground. "We were unstoppable. Even after Hogwarts we stayed good friends- the best. Until that terrible night." Sirius froze. His eyes had grew very wet and his fists clenched. "He ratted them out to Voldemort! Gave him their location, gave them up like hogs for slaughter!" Sirius had raised his voice. He was crying now.

"Who?" You asked quietly, putting a soft hand on his shoulder.

"Peter Pettigrew."

The Triangle: Year 3 (Draco X Reader X Harry)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu