Chapter 35

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After you finally tell the twins about your problems with Draco, crush on Harry, and inability to chose one, they look at you sympathetically, watching you wipe your eyes.

"Awww." George says, giving you a hug.

"Now, I'm not one for advice-" Fred says.

"Nor am I," George adds.

"But I think you should spend time with both-"

"And see who you like better." The twins smile proudly at you for their good advice. You wipe your eyes and sniffle.

"I d-don't have much time to chose. Pansy looks at Draco like she's never been so in love, and Harry- ... Harry's always with Ginny." You quiet at the last couple words, feeling sadness overcome you once more.

Fred pulls you into another hug as the door to the common room opens. George looks over and sees Harry and Ginny walking together in through the door. They see the three of you and Harry stops.

"Y/n?" He asks.

Ginny looks between you and the twins and Harry. "I guess I should go..." She says, walking up your dorm. Harry doesn't answer her. He's more focused on you.

"Is- is she crying?" He asks. Fred tightens his arms around you and looks at Harry. Harry walks over, getting on his knees in front of you to try to see your face.

The twins look at each other before Fred let's go, and the two of them leave the room. You keep your hands over your face, wishing that Harry would not see you like this. Like the crying, red, puffy mess that you were.

Harry gently removes your hands and looks at you like he's never seen anyone as pretty.

"Why?" He asks, taking your hand in his own. You sniffle. "Is it..." Harry looks around, making sure you're alone, "Because of me?"

You nod, not able to look in his eyes.

Harry stares at you. "Me and Ginny?" He asks. You feel stupid now. Stupid for crying over a boy. And embarrassing yourself over it.

You nod pathetically, feeling more tears run down your cheek. Harry slowly lifts his hand and runs his soft fingers over your cheek, brushing away the wetness.

"She's just a friend." Harry says. "That's all." His voice drops off. "I don't know if you can say the same with Malfoy, though."

He drops your hand lightly, his eyes glistening with sadness. "This is how I feel every single time I see you look at him. Or walk with him. Or speak to him." He looks away for the first time, unable to look into your eyes. You watch him.

"I-... I've got to go." He says, avoiding your eyes and ascending the stairs without saying goodbye. You watch him go, his raven, messy hair taunting you as if you were a clown. You watch his back disappear around the staircase and bury your head in your hands. He was jealous. As were you. How could you make him feel like this day after day after day....

The Triangle: Year 3 (Draco X Reader X Harry)Where stories live. Discover now