Chapter One

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Everyone gets stressed sometimes, whether the cause is from you and your partners relationship or from work that gets to be a little more than you can handle, it happens to everybody. It's a part of life, isn't it?

This was currently the part of life you were experiencing, and personally, it might've been the worst ever.

You lived on your own, so at least it was peacefully quiet for your focus on studying, but you missed those little check-ins your mum would do from time to time. You were feeling quite lonely if you were being honest.

"Tsk, I'm just adding insult to injury." You clicked your tongue in annoyance, thinking of how you could fix your lifestyle just a bit.

"A boyfriend?" You asked yourself, but you immediately made a face of disgust. "Ugh, the last thing I need is a child to take care of, let alone a horny one."

It was almost as if you felt a puzzle piece placed itself in your head, fitting itself into the missing frame which was your mind.

"A pet!" You screamed, soon scrambling for clothes that didn't look like they were borrowed from a bum. "Oh fuck. This is the best idea I've had in two years!"

You were out the door before you could even comprehend what pet you'd choose. Something quiet, but also something you could snuggle with.

As you went deeper and deeper into thought, you inserted your key into its slot, twisting it as to start the engine.

A dog? No, no, no. Way too loud. Well... What if it was a small dog? Ugh, then its barks would be even more ear-piercing.

You were thankful that your muscle-memory could autopilot itself because, at the moment, the last thing on your mind was paying attention to the road.

Maybe a hamster? No. I couldn't cuddle it. Plus, aren't their exercise wheels really loud at night? Yeah, no thanks.

If you were honest, you didn't even know where you were going. You just quickly typed in 'Pet store' before taking off at your GPS' word.

"Turn left in half a mile." A robotic voice said blandly. Even though you weren't listening to your full capability, you were able to follow as instructed.

I guess I can't pick on the spot like this. Maybe I'll have to take a look around before I can decide.

"You have arrived at your destination." The voice said again, but this time, it was able to pull you from your trance.

"Oh shit." You swore under your breath, realizing you had no fucking idea what you were going to do when you walked into that store. "Eh, might as well prepare for the worst, yeah?"

Preparing for the worst is much easier said than done.

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