Chapter Seventeen

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Jungkook's PoV

I aimlessly wandered over to Y/N's room, muscle memory guiding the way.

She was going to see Hoseok tomorrow with only one outcome in mind: Me being a bunny.

Of course, a few days back, I would've gladly waltzed back into that shop to become her bunny instead of her roommate, but that was then. Being a human is so much better.

I can talk to Y/N, we can go places, I'm not trapped in a cage, and I can do whatever I want! Not to mention these thumbs because, damn, have I grown attached to them.

I have so much more freedom as a human. It's painful to think about how every friend of mine is still trapped in a furry form. I'm out here living my best life while they're just surviving without love. I don't want to return to that life.

I'm not so sure being a bunny is what I want anymore.

After twenty minutes have passed, I was just sitting on the bed. I'd finished hanging the clothes a while ago, so now I was just contemplating life. I don't want to go back out because she might bring me back.

Just like my thoughts were some kind of bell aimed toward Y/N, she poked her head through the crack of the door.

"You alright?" She asked me, her hair falling sideways due to her odd position. "You've been in here for some time."

I felt my ears involuntarily turn her way at the sound of her speaking. I slowly moved my gaze from her, trying to think of what to tell her.

"I'm not sure." I whispered, yet it was so low that it nearly sounded like I'd just exhaled. Somehow, Y/N managed to catch it.

Her eyebrows knitted together at my words in sorrow. I could just smell the dismay oozing from her. She pushed the previously ajar door open the entire way.

"It's okay time be unsure. Just talk to me!" She smiled with the hopes I would spill my feelings out onto the table for her.

Should I tell her? No, that'd be pathetic. Nobody actually cares what the other person has to say, they just ask out of politeness.

Well, it's Y/N. Y/N's different.

"I just-" I began, shortly being interrupted by a hard exhale that unintentionally came from me. "What if I like being human?"

According to her facial expression, she definitely wasn't expecting that from me. She looked like a deer in headlights.

"When you first turned human, you were begging to be a rabbit." She reasoned, her wide, beautiful eyes filled with confusion and uproar. "Don't you still want to go back to your simple life?"

It may have been simpler, but simple gets you nowhere. That's why humans live such exotic lives. They have obstacles to overcome and troubles to bear. Yes, it was easy, but I couldn't imagine comparing the lifestyle between me now and then.

"No. I don't." I told her, attempting to muster up as much authority as I could. I couldn't guess what I looked like on the outside, but I could definitely tell you I was not confident on the inside. "People change, Y/N. It may have been just four-or-so days, but I've never experienced something better than this."

My vision was becoming blurred as I poured my heart out. I knew for a fact I was sobbing, and probably unpleasantly, but I could face the second-hand embarrassment later. I needed to let her know how much these past days have changed my life.

"It's your choice to turn me back if you manage to find out how, but that's not what I want. What I want is to be with you!"

In the heat of the moment, I kissed her and the world felt as if it were crumbling around us, merely leaving the two of us in a void of only ourselves. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words could never live up to.

Her hand rested just above my jawline, her thumb gently caressing my cheek throughout our kiss. I pulled her closer until the space between us was completely cleared out and I could feel the beating of her heart.

In a dire need of air, we both pulled apart. The gloomy atmosphere that previously occupied the room was now filled with love and endearment.

"Okay, Kookie. Only because I love you." She gave in, her voice slightly muffled due to the bottom half of her face being covered with the blanket.

"I'll take what I can get." I grinned cheekily, pulling her in for one last hug.

Before I could process what had just happened, her soft snores echoed around the silent walls. Now that I think of it, even if I did agree to become a bunny, Hobi was probably already gone.

Being someone who illegally sells hybrids, he's moved around quite a bit, attempting to get us better homes and to keep the fuzz off of his tail. The last thing he needed was to be sent to jail with hundreds of hybrids under his care.

In the end, he's a great person. He works so hard to get us all great homes. I was one of the lucky few to get such an amazing home, and I can only say that because of Y/N.

She's been the highlight of my entire life, to say the least. I'm curious as to how my life would've continued if I didn't accidentally turn human. I mean, the slip-up definitely wasn't intentional, but I can't say it was for the worse. It led me to a happy life. A happy home.

Y/N is my home.

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